Monday, August 24, 2020
The Benefits Of Music Education Education Essay
The Benefits Of Music Education Essay Envision yourself getting up in the first part of the day to your iHome playing a tune from one of your preferred playlists. While you are getting a shower, setting yourself up for the afternoon, you begin to sing a melody that has been latched onto your subconscious mind for a considerable length of time. As you are heading to class, your preferred radio broadcast plays a ceaseless set rundown of the mainstream melodies by your preferred craftsman that you appreciate tuning in to such an extent. You and your companion both get together to discuss how frequently you both have tuned in to the new Lady Gaga single. In light of your basic enthusiasm for music with your closest companions, during a free period all you can examine is music and what your main tunes are. Indeed, even while you are leaving school later on that evening, your preferred station is playing one more raving success. Something that is profoundly fundamental to ordinary lift must be comprehended, and used, as every now and again as could be expected under the circumstances. The beneficial outcomes of instrumental preparing just as aural preparing, in the more youthful age, have been broadly acclaimed. Along these lines, these parts to a people advancement ought to be conveyed all through all degrees of optional training so as to offer a balanced masterful and melodic gratefulness that will be of extraordinary assistant to the understudy during their current lives and proceeding through later adulthood. Out of the expressive arts programs, music instruction is generally gainful to all parts of a people advancement and ought to be made accessible to students.In request for an understudy to really appreciate the estimation of exact melodic preparing in the auxiliary degrees of training, the few advantages of this particular preparing must be first settled. Music training is an innovative outlet for young people to be energetic, passionate and genuine. Music is a path for understudies to communicate, and in a more noteworthy center, the enthusiastic advantages that it accommodates them. Numerous young people utilized music as their innovative outlet from the scholastic and social weights of center and secondary school life alongside the additional pressure and weight brought about by home life and family authority. Music is a statement of the heart (Girl, age 15), Music is amazing! That is the thing that causes my reality to go round! (Young lady, age 13), and the yelled message I LOVE MUSIC. ITS A WAY TO EXPRESS MYSELF! (Kid, age 14) were all editorials taken from articles on music and what it intends to the understudies. (MENC 6). The general idea that had risen was that the specialty of music training furnishes understudies with the opportunity to simply be what their identity is, regardless of whether that will be unique, be an individual they had no clue they could become, to be acknowledged and feel calm and peaceful in school and through their regular daily existences (MENC 7). Understudies have noted in scholarly papers that music was a more noteworthy wellspring of a get-a-route for them. A run of the mill answer originated from a young lady who expressed When I am irate or everything appears as though its turning wild, I compose a melody. It quiets me down and gets my emotions out. Concerning another understudy who expressed that The main path for most adolescents to communicate their anger㠢â‚ ¬Ã¢ ¦ in a peaceful manner is through music. Music additionally can go about as a method for dealing with stress for an immature who is managing the weights of society, family life, and the parts of fellows hips and economic wellbeing. Melody verses are acknowledged as a message that go about as an expectation, that you do you not have to feel alone on the grounds that individuals have encountered the torment and battles that you are feeling. Understudies have composed and clarified that music was an extraordinary factor of adapting for them, and without it being available in their battles, it would not of been conceivable to persevere through the battles and deterrents of the high school life. Just as the passionate advantages which music brings to the table to youngsters, it likewise has social advantages which are basic for social cooperation and impact of companion pressure.Secondary understudies, who took part in band or symphony, announced the most minimal lifetime and current utilization all things considered (liquor, tobacco, illegal medications.) (CMW 1). On a similar side, the MENC bulletin likewise expressed that Students discussed musics social advantages corresponding to its capacity as an interruption from inclusion in fake movement, for example, drugs, liquor, smoking (cigarettes), posse life, and indiscriminate sex-in their own lives or in the lives of teenagers in general.(MENC 8). Music impacts adolescents and furthermore can stop youngsters from self-destructive inclinations, by permitting the vocalists and instrumentalists significance in their young lives. Being associated with symphony, band or even ensemble, gives understudies the methods for connecti ng and meeting new individuals, alongside making new and enduring companionships. Being engaged with melodic outfits permits an individual to step outside their usual range of familiarity and communicate with new individuals. It additionally empowers an understudy to have a sense of safety inside the gathering. Pictures of families have been decided to outline this sentiment of security that they were understanding as the consequence of partaking in the melodic outfits at their school including: band, symphony or ensemble. Alongside the various advantages that music gives a juvenile, it additionally affects how a people insight and improvement is influenced. The subject of Can music make us increasingly insightful, is being investigated in a progression of continuous analyses under the oversight of Frances Rauscher of the University of California, Irvine. In 1993, it was noticed that, rather than understudies who only sat peacefully or tuned in to unwinding directions, thirty six undergrads who tuned in to just ten minutes of Mozarts Piano Sonata K.448 progressively encountered a generous development in their spatial IQ scores. Another test was led later on this year, utilizing seventy nine understudies and extra test circumstances, which affirmed that the Mozart Effect is no ifs, ands or buts a genuine marvel. A year ago, a pilot study was directed by a gathering of analysts where a gathering of multi year old youngsters were given music preparing, regardless of whether it was singing or console exerc ises. The scores of every individual kid improved essentially on the Objects Assembly Task, which was a segment of the Weschler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised that could gauge the spatial thinking of a kid. As per the outcomes which were found at the American Psychological Associations yearly show, it was accounted for that the aftereffects of a subsequent analysis which presumed that the spatial thinking execution of nineteen preschool kids who got eighteen months of music exercises enormously surpassed that of a similar gathering of fifteen preschool kids who didn't get music exercises (Rauscher 1). Since it draws on different properties, music creates adaptability in intuition. Music preparing is a viable way, not exclusively to support the calculated all encompassing inventive reasoning procedure, however to likewise aid the merging and converging of the psyches capacities. Albeit most melodic abilities appear to be spoken to at first in the correct side of the equator of the cerebrum, as an individual turns out to be progressively talented, capacities that were put away in the correct half of the globe are found progressively in the left. (Ponter 112). Music is a truly observable resource in the lives of the adolescent, and they value its viability in driving the course of their day by day schedules, alongside their drawn out expectations and dreams. During a free-progression of thoughts, understudies in American auxiliary school composed into their papers their individual impressions of musics jobs and implications for them in their scholastic investigations at school and in their contribution past school, as entertainers as well as writers and audience members too. (MENC 11). A portion of these understudies composed with exceptionally refined jargon, while others composed as though they were conversing with a companion through a casual visit application. Every understudy depicted music as an information region and a tremendous arrangement of aptitudes that unite their notational education, listening mindfulness, engine capacity, eye-hand coordination, and discerning hold of musics significance before and in the public arena. (MEN C 11). The presentation aptitudes of instrumental and vocal nature, were depicted as objectives to be accomplished by melodic examination, and the feeling of accomplishment and predominance that music training had given understudies, permitted them to advance their abilities while playing out a different scope of melodic collection and focusing on the score, melodically as well as elaborately too. As indicated by articles that were led in American optional schools, understudies want more investigation of their predefined territory that is relevant to their requirements, premiums, and fitting practice spaces. In any case, a couple of similar understudies likewise expounded adversely on their feelings, while some spoke energetically of their needs of increasingly melodic investigation in school, absence of legitimate practice space, fitting practice time, and instruments that could be made accessible for use. Understudies are exceptionally specific with regards to the extracurricular exercises which they are engaged with. A few understudies want to be associated with things that are useful to them and not simply exercises that won't help them in their lives. A portion of these understudies are going back and forth of the schools music programs, having once partaken in different instrumental and vocal outfits, however dropped them, would like to have curricular improvements in the investigation of famous music styles, including rock or popular music troupes which could be educated by music educators and expert performers. For these understudies, the average jazz outfit was just not cutting it for them. Indeed, even inside the extent of what ought to have been a solicitation to young people to depict the good resources of school music programs that ought not be BAN-ned, these projects may not yet be completely in contact with the requirements of a
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Banquos Virtue in Shakespeares Macbeth :: Free Essay Writer
Banquo's Virtue in Macbeth   â The Bard of Avon makes some genuinely mean and revolting characters in the people of the Macbeths, however he makes a partner to them in the character of Banquo. This military man will be the subject of this paper.  In Everybody's Shakespeare: Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies, Maynard Mack clarifies how the Bard updated the Holinshed adaptation of Banquo:  His [King James] family, the Stuarts, guaranteed plunge from Banquo, and it is maybe on this record Shakespeare withdraws from Holinshed, in whose story Banquo is Macbeth's associate in the death of Duncan, to demand his eminence of nature and the dauntless temper of his brain (3.1.50). Numerous pundits see a remarkable commendation to James in the idiotic demonstration of rulers slipping from Banquo (What, will the line loosen up to th' split of fate? (186)  Blanche Coles states in Shakespeare's Four Giants that Banquo is a man to be dreaded by Macbeth:  Other than Lady Macbeth, the person who realizes the amount Macbeth is acting is Banquo. In the scene where Banquo is beginning for his evening ride, the discussion between the new King and his boss visitor is fake on the two sides. In imagining that he is going to look for guidance from Banquo, Macbeth [. . .] is depending on the security of his office to keep a logical inconsistency from Banquo. A couple of lines more distant on he says that his feelings of trepidation in Banquo sink profound. In the long monologue, starting To be accordingly is nothing, he mirrors that Banquo would set out a lot, but then his challenging is joined by a specific knowledge that would direct him to act securely. So he is a man to be dreaded. (56-57)  Clark and Wright in their Introduction to The Complete Works of William Shakespeare remark that Banquo is a power of good in the play, set contrary to Macbeth:  Banquo, the devoted officer, petitioning God for limitation against abhorrent considerations which enter his psyche as they had entered Macbeth's, yet which work no malevolence there, is set over against Macbeth, as ethicalness is set over against disloyalty.â (792)  In Fools of Time: Studies in Shakespearean Tragedy, Northrop Frye clarifies the justification behind Banquo's phantom in this play:  Aside from the scene of Hercules leaving Antony, where secretive music is heard once more, there is nothing extremely extraordinary in Shakespeare's disasters that isn't associated with the homicide of the request figures. Banquo's Virtue in Shakespeare's Macbeth :: Free Essay Writer Banquo's Virtue in Macbeth   â The Bard of Avon makes some genuinely mean and terrible characters in the people of the Macbeths, however he makes a partner to them in the character of Banquo. This military man will be the subject of this article.  In Everybody's Shakespeare: Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies, Maynard Mack clarifies how the Bard overhauled the Holinshed form of Banquo:  His [King James] family, the Stuarts, guaranteed plummet from Banquo, and it is maybe on this record Shakespeare leaves from Holinshed, in whose account Banquo is Macbeth's associate in the death of Duncan, to demand his sovereignty of nature and the dauntless temper of his brain (3.1.50). Numerous pundits see a prominent commendation to James in the stupid demonstration of rulers plunging from Banquo (What, will the line loosen up to th' break of fate? (186)  Blanche Coles states in Shakespeare's Four Giants that Banquo is a man to be dreaded by Macbeth:  Other than Lady Macbeth, the person who realizes the amount Macbeth is acting is Banquo. In the scene where Banquo is beginning for his evening ride, the discussion between the new King and his boss visitor is fake on the two sides. In imagining that he is going to look for exhortation from Banquo, Macbeth [. . .] is depending on the security of his office to keep a logical inconsistency from Banquo. A couple of lines more remote on he says that his feelings of trepidation in Banquo sink profound. In the long discourse, starting To be accordingly is nothing, he mirrors that Banquo would set out a lot, but then his challenging is joined by a specific knowledge that would direct him to act securely. So he is a man to be dreaded. (56-57)  Clark and Wright in their Introduction to The Complete Works of William Shakespeare remark that Banquo is a power of good in the play, set contrary to Macbeth:  Banquo, the faithful trooper, petitioning God for restriction against detestable considerations which enter his psyche as they had entered Macbeth's, however which work no wickedness there, is set over against Macbeth, as uprightness is set over against disloyalty.â (792)  In Fools of Time: Studies in Shakespearean Tragedy, Northrop Frye clarifies the reason behind Banquo's phantom in this play:  Aside from the scene of Hercules leaving Antony, where secretive music is heard once more, there is nothing extremely otherworldly in Shakespeare's disasters that isn't associated with the homicide of the request figures.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
How to Easily Write Better Emails
How to Easily Write Better Emails Short for electronic mail, email is defined as the forwarding of digital messages across communication networks. Email operates across computer networks or the Internet. The messages are exchanged between a sender and one or more recipients. Nearly all email networks use an internet portal.Overwhelmingly, email systems have gateways to other computer networks, enabling users to forward email to any other online computer in the world. The sender and recipient do not need to be online at the same time. The emails are stored on servers and forwarded from there to the recipient.Composing emails that are concise and succinct will reduce the time devoted to email and make one more productive. By keeping emails short, one devotes less effort and thus more time is available for other work. However, writing is a skill, and like any skill, one has to practice. A clear email should always have a clear purpose. The less one includes in an email, the better.It is a good idea to practice the ‘on e thing’ rule, which means making each email sent about one subject only. If you need to consult regarding another subject or topic or assignment, discuss it in another separate mail. © | Rawpixel.comIn this article, you will learn about 1) types of emails, 2) how people typically deal with emails, 3) when an email is appropriate and when it is not, 4) parts of an email, 5) the art of writing a good email, and 6) a conclusion.TYPES OF EMAILSThere are many different types of emails and these include the following:Personal: This is email which is sent or received and includes personal details. It may be from family, friends, and so on, but it’s specifically personal and not related to a job or commercial activity. It may be sent by an employee using an employers network, but would be of no business purpose. A business email address and a personal email address are generally quite different.Official: An official email is sent from, or by, an authorized department of government, an agency, an international organization or a business or commercial entity. It usually will have some clear indication that it’s official; a certifying cachet, a return address or other identity type, indicating the sender.Marketing: Broadly, all emails sent to a possible or current customer may be defined as marketing emails. This generally involves utilizing an email to send adverts, request one’s business, or solicit donations or sales, in an attempt to build trust, loyalty, and brand awareness.Notification: Notification emails are also called trigger, alert, or auto-respond emails. They enable the user to be notified every time a particular event occurs (or has occurred). Usually, notifications are used to celebrate and/or mark an event.Transactional: This is an email sent to an individual on a personal basis, generally as a result of an action they have made (e.g. a purchase, or a shipping update). Transactional emails also invite one back to a web service after an inactive period, or encourage one to purchase items remaining in a shopping cart.Spam: Spam, also called junk mail or unsolicited bulk mail, involves sending nearly identical mess ages to numerous receivers. Messages may include links which appear to be familiar websites, but are disguised and can lead to phishing sites or webpages hosting malware. Spam may also include malware as a script or another executable file attachment. Beware of spam.HOW PEOPLE TYPICALLY DEAL WITH EMAILSIt is imperative for you to understand how people deal with emails, if you wish to write emails that are effective and will be read. Whether messages from work, or personal or marketing messages, an average office worker gets about 80 emails daily. It can be overwhelming to attend to so many emails each day. Most savvy users can and will filter all mails into basic categories for easier handling. Here is how a person may typically handle the emails they receive:For useless emails, do not read or reply. Put it in the recycle bin. Delete.To File. Including tax receipts, great email examples, or info for another project. It may be useful to put these in individual folders for easy access , but don’t have too many folders as it may cause confusion.Optional response. No need to respond, but would be courteous to do so.Spare time reading. Would be nice to read, but not essential. Practice filing as many emails as possible in this category.Respond today. Either respond immediately, or at the end of the workday.Requires action. Must read but no need to take action immediately. Can go into the will respond later file. This is typically mails from your broker, lawyer, tax consultant or boss, etc. Distance creates perspective. File in a folder named the day you wish to respond.WHEN AN EMAIL IS APPROPRIATE AND WHEN IT IS NOTIt is not always appropriate to write emails. There is a protocol that needs to be followed at times.Emails are appropriate whenYou need to get in touch or communicate with a person who cannot be reached via telephone, or lives abroad or is visiting another country and the difference in time zone makes it difficult to talk to the person.It is not import ant to get an immediate response for your queries. The communication is not time bound and you can wait a few hours or days to receive a reply.You need to send some attachments digitally such as an image, a document, or a spreadsheet. It is easier and quicker to send it via email than via post.You need to pass on the same information to many different people.You wish to keep a record of the messages being exchanged for some purpose. They are easy to save and retrieve and can be extended as proof or references in case of a misunderstanding or you wish to refer to something.Emails are not appropriate whenA message is long and complicated or requires further discussion that would best be undertaken face-to-face.Information is confidential. Email is NEVER safe! Bear in mind that a message can be sent to others without one’s knowledge.A message is emotionally charged or its tone could be misinterpreted.PARTS OF AN EMAILYou need to know the various parts of an email to effectively use e ach one to push your message. There are three distinct parts of any email. These include the message envelope, the header, and the body.The header contains information regarding the origins of the email, the email address and address of the sender and the system from where the mail originated.Sender’s Address Establishes sender’s identity and/or corporate affiliation. Even if the sender and the recipient of an email have met previously, it may be prudent if you were to include your business details and designation in your signature to remind the recipient of you and your business.Recipient’s Address The Recipient is the person you are sending email to. One needs enter their email address in the To, Cc, or Bcc field. Cc is short for carbon copy. The long version of Bcc is blind carbon copy, i.e., nobody can see who is addressed in Bcc.Subject Line This generally conveys the point of the email or the gist that you wish a reader to understand from the email. Be as specific as possible.Date and Time Displays this information when an email is sent or received in one’s inbox.Subject Matter A newspaper headline has two functions: to grab one’s attention,and to act as a summary. An email message should do the same thing.Greeting/Beginning Always begin with a greeting. It is important that you address the recipient with a greeting of some sort. You cannot begin your email without addressing and greeting in some way or the other. While closing, you need to close off with a signature. It could be a good-bye, or a thank you or some other such sign off to conclude the mail.Message/Middle This is the crux of an email. The important thing to remember is to give all recipients the information they require to take the action you may be requesting. This includes explaining the context, details, or data that’s necessary, and presenting it in a logical, understandable way.Closing/End Instead of summarizing what has already been stated, finish an email with ac tion steps. If you wish to ask for an appointment, give a tentative time and a date. If you’re getting project input, remind a colleague exactly what the projectAttachments An email attachment is a file sent along with an email. One or more files may be attached to any email message, and this is a simple method to share images and documents. A paper clip image is the usual icon image for an attachment in an email.THE ART OF WRITING A GOOD EMAILEmails could take up a large chunk of one’s day and they are useful, however they can also be abused and a distraction to productivity. Before sending an email, step back and answer some questions.What is my point in this email?What is my purpose?Am I summarizing a discussion, asking for action, or reporting progress?Answering honestly enables one to create effective emails when writing them. Consider the following:Number of emails an average person has to deal with each day.You may be overloaded with emails daily, and despite good intent ions, may end up ignoring a great percentage of them. Too many emails get lost, for they have no purpose. If there’s no purpose, it’s not an effective email. If you are asking for action but haven’t made it clear, responses may not come.What you wish to accomplish with your email.Email is great if one needs something written down, or if action is necessary. Rather than email, could you call the person for a discussion and not email them? Often a 10-minute call is as beneficial and more efficient, than several emails. Either calling or a face-to-face conversation is often preferable to email in so many instances.Who is being targeted? A stranger or acquaintance?What do you wish an audience to believe or presume about you?What kind of impact do you wish to generate?Making assumptions about an audience’s expectations increases the risk that a message or its tone will be misunderstood. To ensure that a message has the intended result, try the following questions to help narrow t he target audience and their requirements:Who is the audience?How often does the audience use email to communicate?How comfortable is the audience with using electronic mail, e.g., when did they begin using email (childhood or adulthood)?Your boss? A stranger? A friend?What is the audience’s relationship to you, e.g. is the recipient your professor?How well do you know him or her?How do you talk to them in a social scenario?Impact of the email on the receiver â€" read or not, comprehending, annoying, time-consuming.Say what you need to say immediately, preferably in the subject line or first sentence. There is no need for rambling or long stories in the electronic mail realm. Say it once. Keep it short.Receiver’s perspective.With the amount of bad emails received daily, people really do observe the difference when a good one arrives in the inbox. This could be the difference between being ignored and getting what you wish.Sender’s perspective.Email must be easy to read and con vey meaning as quickly as possible. Even if your prose is mellifluent, the receiver may not be keen to read it. Keep sentences short and simple and do not write an email if you are angry, it will reflect.Writing a Good EmailEngaging subject line Label emails correctly. A subject line helps ensure an email recipient will read it and not disregard it as junk or spam. A meaningful subject saves effort as the recipient can grasp the gist quickly.Mention the subject clearly and make the request of the email very clear Briefly state the purpose for writing the email at the beginning of any message.Follow KISS (keep it simple, stupid) and be to the point Mirror your Correspondent. If you receive a single sentence answer to a several paragraph message, pay attention. Especially if the correspondent is a superior or a person whose business you are trying to win, make an effort to match their style and tone.Brevity is best You need to be as brief as possible while writing emails. No one likes to read long mails, especially from strangers. Be clear and to the point. If you are not clear in your writing or have not organized your communication well, there is scope for misunderstanding and the purpose of your sending the mail could be undermined. Hence, think well before you write.Be personal Some emails will need personal attention. So spend time on those and try to provide value. This will help you get the attention of your recipient and will send a message that you care about the people who you send the messages to. Ensure that you have an email signature at the end of your mail. This will help people to contact you easily. It should contain your mailing address and phone numbers.Be restrained When emotions rise, slow down. If you receive a rude email, the best advice is to ignore it. Emotions can escalate quickly in email exchanges. Just delete the message. Chances are the sender will think better and write another, polite version.Be polite mind the tone You n eed to pay attention to the tone of your message. Be careful about the words you use and in what context. Since there is no visual or audio contact to support your tone, if the words are not used carefully, there is scope for misreading the message and misunderstanding it. WRITING AN EMAIL IN CAPITAL letters, is impolite as it is difficult for the receiver to read and the receiver will definitely be annoyed, if not offended. It is also interpreted as shouting in the digital world.Pay attention to details like grammar and format Generally, good writing and efficient communication is not an easy task, and can be time-consuming. It takes time to formulate thoughts, to assess what to say, and to write a message in a succinct fashion. Do not try to decorate an email with lots of colors and formatting. As a general rule, use black text against a white background.Proofread Once you have typed an email, you shouldn’t simply send it off, always check an email at least once. Check for bas ic spelling and grammar mistakes, also name spellings, events referred to, or dates mentioned. Consider the tone of the email. Do not go overboard with being too friendly or too businesslike.No attachments Forgo unnecessary attachments. The number of emails that clog an inbox with attachments containing flowered borders and fancy signatures is unnecessary. If sending attachments, size is a concern. Attachments quickly add up and can bulk up the size of the inbox.Use proper names If possible, address a recipient by name. If you dont know the name, look it up. Try to do your best to find out the name of the recipient. Always close with a greeting and a full signature which includes your business name and designation.Pay attention to aesthetics It is important that your email is formatted properly and the information is presented in an easy to read format. This means use of short sentences, short paragraphs, bullet lists, and most importantly short messages that are to the point and relevant to the topic. Do not digress from the email topic at all. Have a proper introduction, middle and end to your emails.CONCLUSIONEmails have not been around too long and the basic emailing etiquettes are still being developed. It may be a while before all of it is in place. But following the same etiquettes as for post mail will help you deal with most emails. People have different perspectives about communicating through emails and this can lead to considerable misunderstandings between sender and recipient. In addition, an email may be sent for several different reasons, which may include such things as keeping in touch with loved ones and friends, asking for information, or requesting an appointment or reserving a place.All emails are not the same and shouldn’t be treated the same. Each sent email will take its tone from the purpose for which it is being written, the person you are sending it to and the outcome you wish to have. Emails that have become a nuisance for som e people are the unsolicited marketing emails that sell, advertise or offer products you do not want or need. Such emails, sent to hundreds of people each day, clog up the recipient’s inbox and are irritating. Most of the time they are filtered out, marked as spam and placed in the spam folder. It is a challenge for most writers to create emails that will not be marked as spam and will reach the intended audience. Before you send an email, give a thought to the email and what it contains. What would be the consequences if it got into the wrong hands? Such things are not impossible and do happen. This is a good and final check to make sure that your emails sound respectful, professional and ultimately represent how you wish to be portrayed to the world.Each person has a different perspective on email. While some people may take emails as an informal medium of communication, others may not think so. They may view email as simply a more expedient way to communicate an official messag e or communication. Sending an informal email to such people is courting trouble as they may interpret your email as being inappropriate and offensive. Whatever you are writing and sending, retain a sensitivity regarding the above, and all should go well with your electronic mailing. You have to be aware of the personal preferences of each person to whom you are sending an email. When there is some doubt, you should always go the formal way.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Geography of Kiribati
Kiribati is an island nation located in Oceania in the Pacific Ocean. It is made up of 32 island atolls and one small coral island spread out over 1.3 million square miles. The country itself, however, has only 313 square miles (811 sq km) of area. Kiribati is also along the International Date Line on its easternmost islands and it straddles the Earths equator. Because it is on the International Date Line, the country had the line shifted in 1995 so that all of its islands could experience the same day at the same time. Fast Facts: Kiribati Official Name: Republic of KiribatiCapital: TarawaPopulation: 109,367 (2018)Official Languages: I-Kiribati, English Currency: Australian dollar (AUD)Form of Government: Presidential republicClimate: Tropical; marine, hot and humid, moderated by trade windsTotal Area: 313 square miles (811 square kilometers)Highest Point: Unnamed elevation on Banaba island at 265 feet (81 meters) Lowest Point: Pacific Ocean at 0 feet (0 meters) History of Kiribati The first people to settle Kiribati were the I-Kiribati when they settled on what are the present-day Gilbert Islands around 1000-1300 BCE. Fijians and Tongans later invaded the islands. Europeans did not reach the islands until the 16th century. By the 1800s, European whalers, traders, and slave merchants began visiting the islands and causing social problems. In 1892, the Gilbert and Ellice Islands agreed to become British protectorates. In 1900, Banaba was annexed after natural resources were found and in 1916 they all became a British colony. The Line and Phoenix Islands were also later added to the colony. During World War II, Japan seized some of the islands and in 1943 the Pacific portion of the war reached Kiribati when United States forces launched attacks on the Japanese forces on the islands. In the 1960s, Britain began giving Kiribati more freedom of self-government and in 1975 the Ellice Islands broke away from the British colony and declared their independence in 1978. In 1977, the Gilbert Islands were given more self-governing powers and on July 12, 1979, they became independent with the name Kiribati. Government of Kiribati Today, Kiribati is considered a republic and it is officially called the Republic of Kiribati. The countrys capital is Tarawa and its executive branch of government is made up of a chief of state and a head of government. Both of these positions are filled by Kiribatis president. Kiribati also has a unicameral House of Parliament for its legislative branch and Court of Appeal, High Court, and 26 Magistrates courts for its judicial branch. Kiribati is divided into three different units, the Gilbert Islands, the Line Islands, and the Phoenix Islands, for local administration. There are also six different island districts and 21 island councils for Kiribatis islands. Economics and Land Use in Kiribati Because Kiribati is in a remote location and its area is spread over 33 small islands, it is one of the least developed Pacific island nations. It also has few natural resources, so its economy is mainly dependent on fishing and small handicrafts. Agriculture is practiced throughout the country and the main products of that industry are copra, taro, breadfruit, sweet potatoes, and assorted vegetables. Geography and Climate of Kiribati The islands making up Kiribati are located along the equator and International Date Line about halfway between Hawaii and Australia. The closest nearby islands are Nauru, the Marshall Islands, and Tuvalu. It is made up of 32 very low lying coral atolls and one small island. Because of this, Kiribatis topography is relatively flat and its highest point is an unnamed point on the island of Banaba at 265 feet (81 m). The islands are also surrounded by large coral reefs. The climate of Kiribati is tropical and as such it is mainly hot and humid but its temperatures can be somewhat moderated by the trade winds. Sources Central Intelligence Agency. CIA - The World Factbook - Kiribati: History, Geography, Government, and Culture- States Department of State. Kiribati.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Essay on Bird Imagery in Portrait of the Artist as a...
Bird Imagery in Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man The works of twentieth-century Irish writer James Joyce resound vividly with a unique humanity and genius. His novel, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, published in 1916, is a convincing journey through the inner mind and spirit of Stephen Dedalus. Portrayed with incredible fluency and realism, imagery guides the reader through the swift current of growth tangible in the juvenile hero. Above all heavy imagery in the novel is the recurring bird motif. Joyce uses birds to ultimately relate Stephen to the Daedelus myth of the â€Å"hawklike man;†however, these images also exemplify Stephen’s daily experiences, and longing for true freedom . By using imagery of birds as†¦show more content†¦Heron taunts Stephen, sardonically naming him a â€Å"model youth†who â€Å"doesn’t flirt and doesn’t damn anything or damn all†. This blatant remark by the bird-like boy is an obvious verbal threat to Stephen’s character. Continued as Heron and his friend viscously chide Stephen for his admiration for Byron’s poetry, Joyce’s bird imagery bears in this scene a restraint of Stephen’s uniqueness by threatening his self-expression. As Stephen mentally develops in the progression of the novel, he begins his search for the â€Å"freedom and power of his soul, as the great artificer whose name he bore†would have done. Stephen is now at the beach, pondering his new sense of maturity as he grows â€Å"near to the wild heart of life†. Walking down a rocky slope, he takes notice to a girl â€Å"alone and still, gazing out to sea†. Stephen watches her, and awed by her â€Å"likeness of a strange and beautiful sea-bird,†he realizes she is the epitome of all that is â€Å"the wonder of mortal beauty†. Painted by Joyce’s radiant imagery of the â€Å"darkplumaged dove†he sees before him, this rationalization is the basis of Stephen’s internal epiphany; she is, toStephen, â€Å"an envoy from the fair courts of life†. This wholesome bird-like girl with â€Å"longShow MoreRelatedA Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man1594 Words  | 7 Pagesthis essay is to discuss how James Joyce’s seminal novel A Portrait of the Artist as a young man, is experimental with regards to plot, point of view, language, symbolism, style and character development, and will begin with a brief introduction. Many artists, be they of the pen, brush or instrument, seek through innovation an artistic immortality that has the potential to act as a blueprint from which imitation is spawned. Joyce’s Portrait is at its core innovative pioneering prose, and it can beRead More The Key Elements of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Essay1853 Words  | 8 PagesKey Elements of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man     James Joyces A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man provides an introspective exploration of an Irish Catholic upbringing. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Into the Wild essay Free Essays
All in all, within the plethora of persona, he illus. dates resemblance of myself and Henry David Thoreau. In contrast, he counteracts the lyrics of â€Å"Mad World†written by Gary Jules. We will write a custom essay sample on Into the Wild essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Jon Krause, in , portrays Chris Mishandles’ determination with reaching his goals, which similarly connects to my unforgiving attitude. Setting goals and having a passion to achieve such goals creates character that can not be known any to her way. Westerners compliments Chris, â€Å"He was the hardest worker I’ve ever seen. Did don’t matter what it was†¦ And he never quit in the middle of something’ (Krause 18). Chris, k now as Alex to Westerners, always kept his mind on his end goal of hiking to Alaska into the elderliness and never gave up, even when things got tough. Similarly, my parents always taut get me to never give up and follow any dream, no matter how highly standard or crazy it may be, because the outcome can be life changing. Ever since was little I always dreamed Of playa Eng softball in Wilkinson 2 college and eventually end up on TV, as well as wanting to be an accountant f or a small business. Right now, I am in the midst of my dream, working for the last goal. For softball, I play on varsity in high school as a junior. While for school I take 4 AP classes, along with an accounting course. Combining my involvement in softball and school, with a very high probability, will encounter an opportunity for college in my near future. Full y, Chris Mishandles and I share a similar passion for following our dream, no matter t he circumstances. Secondly, Mishandles portrays similar qualities as Henry David Thoreau with hatred for higher authority. In Thoreau essay, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience , criticizes the government’s power over the citizens and how they unlawfully use that to the IR advantage. Into the Wild describes Alex of having ideas like that. Throughout many pieces of work The Rorer sees his knowledge to express his opinion against what he believes to be war Eng, like, â€Å"l was not designed to be forced. I will breathe after my own fashion. Let us see who is t he strongest†(Thoreau). To be clear, Thoreau speaks to the government because he disagree sees with how they force others to do things. Correspondingly, Alex does not appreciate the gave rent because he feels no matter what he says they will disagree with him and lock him up since e his actions look suspicious. Krause could endeavor to explain that he a answered to statutes of a higher order that as a latterly adherent of Henry David Thoreau, he too as gospel the essay and thus considered it his moral responsibility to flout the laws of the state†(Krause 28). Here, Krause explains Ale’s view point and why he feels the government or any authority will allow him to keep moving without any arrest. As a whole, Mishandles and Thoreau share multiple qualities, but most apparent, their hatred for the government. Wilkinson 3 Lastly, Chris’ decision to leave his family contrasts the song â€Å"Mad World†, by G array Jules. To explain, Chris vacates his family and moves on with his life to become e a better self, while â€Å"Mad World’s†lyrics hope for that result, but the people in society instead conform, and eventually end up killing themselves because of the torture they received fro m only staying in one place and not moving on. The first verse of Mad World goes as followed: All around me are familiar faces Worn out places, worn out faces Bright and early for the daily races Going nowhere, going nowhere. (14) Gary Jules explains explicitly how everyone wants to succeed but downgrades that fact with explaining how nobody does anything about it. Opposing, Chris makes the decision to drop everything and leave his family for finding what he believes in. Krause expo lain Mishandles’ ordeal discussing how'[I]immediately after graduating with hon. RSI, from Emory university in the summer of 1990, Mishandles dropped out of sight. He Chance geed his name, gave the entire balance of twentyfourthousanddollar savings account to chair TTY abandoned his car, and most of his possessions, burned all the cash in his wallet. And then h e invented a new life for himself, taking up residence at the ragged margin of our society, wand erring across North America in search of raw, transcendent experience†(Krause Author’s Note). Chris realized he would benefit from leaving his materialistic life because all he felt he needed, tauter could offer to him with peace, which came to the conclusion of him also removing all past things from his life. How to cite Into the Wild essay, Essays Into the Wild Essay Free Essays The Pursuit of Happiness Every individual is unique. One’s unique identity is composed by their own beliefs, values and views. Many individuals wish to obtain a state of happiness. We will write a custom essay sample on Into the Wild Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Happiness is not an unreachable goal since each person has their own individual definitions of true â€Å"happiness†. Sean Penn uses Chris McCandless’ life story to show the idea of what it means to be human in the movie Into the Wild. A person will try to pursue certainty and hopefulness because of particular events that happened in the person’s life. Relationships can be damaged by the findings of the reality of a situation. The protagonist’s parents are highly ambitious individuals who place the value of worldly goods above everything else. After graduating from high school Chris goes on a trip to California where he visits with all friends and finds out that his father had another family before his sister and he were born. The emotions triggered by this discovery overwhelm Chris so he did not share his findings with his parents. â€Å"Rather than love, than money, than faith, than fame, than fairness†¦ [he wanted the] truth†, something that his parents never gave him. The trust that Chris had in his parents was broken by this revelation, resulting in him believing that he isn’t worthy of love. The only reason Chris found out the lies and secrets of his family was because he choose to deeply explore his family history. Freedom for Chris came from the findings about his parents. Chris hated the society he was in, he saw it as a world where the ignorant are in power and the well-educated intellectual has to watch his words since those words can have disastrous consequences. Chris sees people as prisoners, living unhappy lives and putting up with the confines of their lives, never wanting to break out of a life of security and behaviour akin to following the heard because all of this can give a person a fake sense of peace of mind. Chris saw the only way that he could escape those feelings of being poisoned by society and the only way that he can truly fee himself from his circumstances by simply running away and walking alone through the land, eventually isolating himself from everything. This is Chris’ definition of happiness. To accomplish this he simply donated all of his money to charity and left without telling anyone. The deceit and lies from his family pushed Chris to run away from a pretentious reality and form his own version of what a happy and fulfilling reality was by surrounding himself with the harmony of nature. This was Chris’ journey of self-discovery and it came to fruition as he set off â€Å"Into the Wild†. Chris set off on his spiritual quest â€Å"†¦to find [himself] at least once in the most human conditions†¦ with nothing to help [him] but [his] own hands and [his] own head†. He went through all the difficulties of living purely off the land by hunting and fishing and often suffering from near-starvation without any exterior wealth or resources in order to prove that for him, it was â€Å"not [necessary] to be strong but to feel strong, to measure [himself] once†. The feat that Chris undertook, he was only able to carry it out based on a strong set of values and morals that he learned and absorbed from the words of great writers and enlightened thinkers. To find inner peace and a true candid reality, Chris was driven to the wild for freedom and change. To close the void in his heart, Chris travels great distances. His final destination was Alaska, a land where he can escape from people, technology and all the other luxuries of everyday life. His survival in Alaska depended on him hunting and picking edible plants for food and starting fires for warmth. Chris spends most of his time contemplating about his life and about his ideas of happiness. After much contemplating Chris finally realized that by simply running away he would not be able to solve his problems and the only way he can be truly happy is by sharing and interacting with others and ultimately he realizes that even he needs companionship. Leo Tolstoy captivates Chris with the idea that happiness stems from â€Å"being useful to people†. Once Chris realizes this he is sadly unable to return to society as he discovered that the snow melted and what once used to be a small river now turned into a full torrent which does not allow him to leave. This is made worse by the poisonous plant that Chris ate which eventually causes his death. In the end it was Chris’ self centered ideals of happiness that led to his death. When starting his journey, Chris had his truth and ideals set in stone, but as he experienced true isolation, he, along with his ideals changed dramatically. One’s personal experiences are what create the significance of truth and perfectionism in one’s life. To fully comprehend this is very difficult because of the uniqueness of each individual. Chris’ journey shows that trouble and distress will be present in a person’s life if they don’t have an ideal to which to live by. The truth isn’t always pretty and can very well be upsetting, but by finding the truth a person may be able to find an ideal. The truth about the unknown family that Chris has is what enabled him to create his ideals about how negative society is. His trip to Alaska on the other hand is what showed him another truth, one where he needs relationships and where his happiness can be achieved within the confines of society. How to cite Into the Wild Essay, Essay examples Into the Wild Essay Free Essays Chris McCandless: Why’d you have to go? Chris McCandless is a uniquely remarkable person for a large number of reasons. Most people would consider any person who donated their life savings, burned all the cash in their wallet, and abandoned their car to go wander around the country with nothing; either crazy, stupid, or both. But I believe Chris McCandless was neither crazy nor stupid; in fact, I believe him to be a visionary. We will write a custom essay sample on Into the Wild Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now After receiving and fully utilizing a four-year education at Emory University in Georgia, he decided to leave society behind and venture off into the wild with only the things he deemed truly necessary. He left society in search of happiness and the truth behind what makes us all happy. Coming from a wealthy, upper-middleclass family, he learned to utterly despise the materialistic views of his family which he believed strongly reflected the American culture. This above all fueled his desire to rid himself of his possessions and go see the world for himself. Many people believe he was an idiot with a death wish, an Alaskan park ranger was even quoted saying â€Å"Chris McCandless committed suicide†(nmge. mu. edu). Although Chris McCandless died at the end of John Krakauer’s novel Into the Wild, I believe he found the answers he was looking for, and died after completing his venture. Chris traveled all over the North American continent meeting people and going on what I would consider the adventure of a lifetime. While there is much speculation and controversy over what his actual plan was, without a doubt the end of his plan was to ‘somehow get to Alaska. â€℠¢(Krakuer 77). I think because of the people he met on his travels and the metacognitive pondering he did throughout his time traveling he ended up doing exactly what he planned, but unfortunately, nothing else. Chris McCandless was by no means suicidal, he did not have a desire to die, but his plans ended with going to Alaska. Before getting to Alaska, McCandless explored anything and everything he could; he was a very curious man, always ready to explore. He even canoed down miles of the Colorado River all the way to Mexico. Upon arriving in Alaska his disposition seemed to change, instead of wanting to explore and see everything there was to see like he had been doing before, he settled down in an abandoned bus for a few months. The only other place Chris had chosen to stay for any amount of time similar that was in Bullhead city, Arizona when he got a job at McDonalds in order to acquire supplies and to wait out the winter before starting on his path to Alaska. This shows he was at least smart enough to not go try and live in the Alaskan wilderness during the winter. So what was he doing alone in the wilderness? Why did he stop exploring? These are questions that can only be speculated on. What differentiates this story from other stories is that while reading the book you perceive him as a character; Chris McCandless was not a character, he was a person. Characters always have motivation behind their decisions, doing things for specific reasons or even foreshadowing to events that haven’t even been written about yet. People are completely random, sporadically doing things with little to no thought. While we can sit here and analyze why he did what he did and what he was thinking at every step, but what if he had stopped thinking, what if he commonly acted on impulse? These are things that characters do not typically do. Chris McCandless stopped exploring upon arriving in Alaska for a few reasons. First of all he didn’t plan to do anything except survive when he got there. He wanted to survive and ponder his existence in the raw untempered wilderness. Whilst out there he was just thinking about survival, and while being in that state of mind he wanted to find things that still brought happiness to him. He had happy moments alone out there, but they were few and far between, and in his words â€Å"counted for little to nothing†(Krakuer 197). The most important thing Chris McCandles learned, and really the answer I think he was searching for was â€Å"Happiness is only real when shared†(Krakuer 77). Unfortunately he did not come upon this conclusion until it was too late to go back to society to share his newfound knowledge and to share his happiness with the ones he loved. That quote is really powerful and I believe it with all of my being. It is good to spend introspective time alone, but when it comes down to it if you had all the knowledge of the universe and no one to share it with, what would be the point? The same goes for what Chris discovered of happiness, while it is not impossible to be happy while you are alone it just does not seem to be worth anything unless you share your happiness. Happiness was meant to be shared by everyone and every thing with everyone and every thing, which is what I learned from John Krakuers telling of Chris McCandless journey to find the source of happiness. Happiness does not come from materialistic possessions, nor from people, or from money. Happiness comes from sharing everything from company and thoughts to houses and cars. If you are not sharing your happiness with someone else you more than likely are not as happy as you may think. If Chris had made it back he would have wanted to share the things that made him happy, just as I want to do now. Chris McCandless was a visionary and an eye opener. He has influenced many people and been a conversation point for many a collegiate-scholar. He explored many miles across North America and kept firmly to his beliefs. Chris’s journey was one of philosophical searching, and I believe he found what he was searching for. It was not until he was starving to death in the Alaskan wilderness that he realized what it was he was searching for was not there, he wanted to find happiness, but happiness can only be shared. Chris McCandless could have and should have had a plan to get out of Alaska, but he wasn’t that kind of guy. He just wanted to go where life took him, and it took him to death. Although it was definitely a long, painful, and miserable way to die I believe before his death Chris McCandless came to his epiphany before the end. Because he was not yet dead his quest had completed and he was ready to return to society with his newfound knowledge. Unfortunately for him, his friends and family, and the entire world, Chris never made it back to our society and we never got to learn from a very wise man. Not all wisdom comes from age; wisdom comes from experience backed by thoughtful and introspective reflection, both of which were all Chris McCandless did on his long and eventful trip out into the wild. Whether you think him a naive young man with a death wish or one of the greatest philosophical minds of his time or anything in between, Chris was brave enough to stand up for what he believed in and intelligent enough to search for a type of knowledge that cannot be taught, only experience. Chris McCandless has earned the respect of many people across the world and that is a valuable thing indeed. How to cite Into the Wild Essay, Essays
Monday, April 27, 2020
Texts can be valued for different reasons Discuss this statement with references to The Great Gatsby Essay Example For Students
Texts can be valued for different reasons Discuss this statement with references to The Great Gatsby Essay Texts can be valued and appreciated for numerous reasons, and this is particularly apparent in F. Scott Fitzgeralds novel, The Great Gatsby. The novel is a great part of 20th century literature and is valued for the themes and ideas that Fitzgerald presents, such as the importance of dreams in peoples lives, the myth that is the American Dream, Fitzgeralds perspective of 1920s life, and the style in which he portrays his ideas. It is also valued simply as a love story à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" as an entertaining narrative. In The Great Gatsby, dreams and their importance play a major part in the plot and underlying themes. We will write a custom essay on Texts can be valued for different reasons Discuss this statement with references to The Great Gatsby specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now It is seen that Gatsby himself presents this idea the most; this is because Gatsby is different to all the other characters in the novel as he actually has a dream à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" to improve himself which he hopes will eventually win back Daisys love. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ An extraordinary gift for hope, a romantic readiness such as I have never found in any other personà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The reader learns that Gatsby has had dreams and ambitions his entire life, while his parents had none; Gatsby was not fond of this characteristic found in his parents. His goals and aspirations made him who he was and he realised that he was different to his parents in this way. He left his home, his mother and father at a young age and was described as a son of God. Gatsby disconnected himself from his parents and created his own identity as God created people. Gatsbys dream is symbolised by the green light on the end of Daisys dock, across the river from his house, and represents his desire for Daisy. Nick narrator the story admires this quality in Gatsby and excuses all his faults because of his hopes and dreams. In the end, Gatsby dies in pursuit of his dreams and Nick says, No à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Gatsby turned out alright at the end; it was what prayed on Gatsby, what foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams. Nick, unlike the other characters, doesnt have any goals or aspirations. He doesnt have high expectations, and is comfortable with the way he lives his life. However, the other characters, Jordan, Daisy, Tom and Myrtle, are not happy with what they already have, and only have goals that are short-term, and are often self-centered and concerned with money. The people attending Gatsbys parties also appear to be materialistic and without ambitions. They go through life without directions or dreams; they were wanderers and gypsies who often werent even invited to the parties, whereas Nick was actually invited. The parties continue this theme as they take on dream-like qualities. This is seen in Nicks descriptions, which are very colourful, blue gardens and yellow cocktail music which helps them resemble dreams. There are constant references to dreams, such as his description of the moonlight, Whisperings and champagne and the stars and the Earth lurches away from the sun as well as comparisons, which all give the impression that the parties are just a dream or an illusion and not actually reality. Nicks descriptions also change very quickly from one idea to the next, as well as to different times, which is also similar to dreams. The contrast to the theme of dreams is also seen in the characters of Tom, Daisy, Nick, Jordan and the people attending Gatsbys parties, as they show that the American Dream is a myth. This is seen through Gatsbys attempts to repeat the past, and other evidence that proves the incapability of the American Dream such as George Wilson, the social classes of East and West Egg and Toms racist comments. Throughout the whole novel, there are attempts to repeat the past, particularly in Gatsbys case. There are repeated references to clocks, symbolising the want for repetition, such as Gatsby nearly breaking Nicks clock, representing his want to stop time or bring back feelings from the past. .u38848810354c2032827b29713550d3be , .u38848810354c2032827b29713550d3be .postImageUrl , .u38848810354c2032827b29713550d3be .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u38848810354c2032827b29713550d3be , .u38848810354c2032827b29713550d3be:hover , .u38848810354c2032827b29713550d3be:visited , .u38848810354c2032827b29713550d3be:active { border:0!important; } .u38848810354c2032827b29713550d3be .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u38848810354c2032827b29713550d3be { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u38848810354c2032827b29713550d3be:active , .u38848810354c2032827b29713550d3be:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u38848810354c2032827b29713550d3be .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u38848810354c2032827b29713550d3be .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u38848810354c2032827b29713550d3be .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u38848810354c2032827b29713550d3be .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u38848810354c2032827b29713550d3be:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u38848810354c2032827b29713550d3be .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u38848810354c2032827b29713550d3be .u38848810354c2032827b29713550d3be-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u38848810354c2032827b29713550d3be:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Shakespeare make the transformation of Katherine believable EssayAlso during the meeting set up for Gatsby and Daisy, Nick says to Gatsby, you cant repeat the past, and Gatsby replies why of course you can! This shows that Gatsbys whole life revolves around his dream of winning back Daisy. It is also shown that the American Dream is corrupted through the people at Gatsbys parties. They use Gatsby just as a place to party. They act without conscience or consideration, by not seeing Gatsby while at his house, or even knowing who he is. They gossip about him without even having met him and do not turn up to his funeral. Nobody at the parties knew much about the other guests, and were described in a general tone, there is only basic information, lacking details. This helps to show that the characters are very self-centered and materialistic. The format of Gatsbys parties also shows this; The alcohol, orchestra, food, decorations à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" a corps of caterersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Although Gatsby has a purpose for wanting money, the other wealthy characters have only selfish desires for it. The ideas of the American Dream suggest that all people living in America have a fair chance at success and wealth if they put in hard work. It also entitles people to an equal life without prejudices placed upon them no matter what their background is. However, it is clear that this dream has failed in the case of George Wilson. He has worked a hard life at his Gas and mechanic centre, yet still lives in poverty. The other characters Tom and Daisy Buchanan, Jordan show that wealth and status is still inherited, not earned. They also display the ever-present social classes of East and West in the novel; The inhabitants of East Egg are people who havent earned their money and West Egg is the less fashionable side of Long Island. Tom also comments about the professed need for a white dominated society, which shows that people living in America dont treat or see each other as equals so the American Dream is non-existent. At the end of the novel, Gatsbys dream is linked to the Dutch sailors who founded the American Dream, which suggests that there may once have been an American Dream, but it is no longer possible. The Great Gatsby is also valued for Fitzgeralds perspective of 1920s life. He states that 20th century life is very materialistic à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" the majority of the characters and the party guests only care about money and want more of everything that they have already. There are comments on the different social values seen, and evidence of people lacking traditional morals and values. The characters constantly act without conscience and are generally very careless and selfish; for instance, the numerous accidents involving cars à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Jordan left the top down on a borrowed car and denied even having the car, someones hand got run over, and a party guest got bogged in Gatsbys driveway. The people at the parties also have no consideration for Gatsby as they are hardly civilised while at his house, and, as mentioned above, they come uninvited, sometimes without even knowing Gatsby and often gossip about him. The most self-centered and inconsiderate acts of these people were their absence at Gatsbys funeral after using him so greatly. Tom and Myrtle act without conscience through having an affair, which is then followed by Daisy and Gatsbys brief affair. The text is also greatly valued for the quality of Fitzgeralds style of writing, seen in his description of people and events and his use of symbolism. Through his writing, he creates an impression of the parties and at the same time, reinforces certain ideas. His method of description is very much impressionistic, and this is seen through his emphasis on irrelevant details, which then become symbolic. For example, the oranges and lemons à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" they are symbolic of things being used up and discarded, such as the way Gatsbys guests treat him. .ued4718bf8a5e1485b5b4610ebd470f3e , .ued4718bf8a5e1485b5b4610ebd470f3e .postImageUrl , .ued4718bf8a5e1485b5b4610ebd470f3e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ued4718bf8a5e1485b5b4610ebd470f3e , .ued4718bf8a5e1485b5b4610ebd470f3e:hover , .ued4718bf8a5e1485b5b4610ebd470f3e:visited , .ued4718bf8a5e1485b5b4610ebd470f3e:active { border:0!important; } .ued4718bf8a5e1485b5b4610ebd470f3e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ued4718bf8a5e1485b5b4610ebd470f3e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ued4718bf8a5e1485b5b4610ebd470f3e:active , .ued4718bf8a5e1485b5b4610ebd470f3e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ued4718bf8a5e1485b5b4610ebd470f3e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ued4718bf8a5e1485b5b4610ebd470f3e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ued4718bf8a5e1485b5b4610ebd470f3e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ued4718bf8a5e1485b5b4610ebd470f3e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ued4718bf8a5e1485b5b4610ebd470f3e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ued4718bf8a5e1485b5b4610ebd470f3e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ued4718bf8a5e1485b5b4610ebd470f3e .ued4718bf8a5e1485b5b4610ebd470f3e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ued4718bf8a5e1485b5b4610ebd470f3e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: An Inspector Call Characters - Eric EssayFitzgerald also changes times and ideas quickly as well as adding unnecessary, yet effective, snatches of conversation at the parties. He also creatively and efficiently presents the parties in a dream-like fashion, with constant references to dreams, the illusion of it not really being reality and the surreal events that take place. Another effective use of symbolism in the novel is the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg, which are an unfinished advertisement in the Valley of the Ashes of a pair of eyes and spectacles looking over the desolate wasteland, halfway between West Egg and New York. The eyes represent an omnipresent figure seeing all; it sees the lack of conscience in Americans such as Tom, Daisy and Jordan as well as the breakdown of the American Dream. They also saw the true circumstances of Myrtles death. George Wilson mistakes the eyes for God and fears their judgment of him. The Valley of the Ashes also represents the failing of the American Dream. It shows the corrupt nature of society through the pollution of the area until it could no longer be used. Lights in the novel represent Gatsbys hope of Daisy returning to him. The light at the end of her dock reassures him that she is till close to him, and his house lights represent his attempt to attract her. His lights are only turned off after their first kiss, when he is comfortable that he has her back, and when he is dead. Wolfsheims human molar cufflinks represent an increasingly materialistic and unfeeling society. Yet this text should be simply enjoyed as a love story à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" as an entertaining narrative. The story of Gatsbys attempts to win the love of Daisy is representative of the writing styles during the 1920s, and is valued for this insight. The tale of a man loving a woman and dieing in the quest for her love appeals to readers on an emotional level. The numerous themes and ideas that F. Scott Fitzgerald presents in The Great Gatsby are valued in many ways. He shows that dreams should be important in peoples lives, and that everyone should have a goal in life. He also displays the corrupt nature of the American Dream in the 1920s, and how societys social classes and racist views will never result to equality in America. This perspective of 20th century life and Fitzgeralds style are also appreciated and valued.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Essay Sample on Color Naming My Own Research
Essay Sample on Color Naming My Own Research In order to explore the ways in which American’s judge similarity and difference of colors, I interviewed two of my male coworkers, and two female friends. The males that participated in my project were over 40 years of age. They were both alumni of the University of Connecticut, and had both come to work for UConn some years later. The two females were current students at UConn. One was a pharmacy major, the other an English major. I came upon my first problem right away. What exactly constitutes a color name? The obvious answers are â€Å"red, blue, green†¦ etc†but what about â€Å"grass green†? Does putting a noun before the name of a primary color constitute its own color? If this were the case, there would be no end to the color names we use. â€Å"Coca-Cola Red†, â€Å"Laser-Jet Printer Gray†, â€Å"The Carpet in the Office I Work At Blue†would all be color names under this system. However, the participants did seem to have a point. â€Å"Sky blue†is certainly considered a color by most people. Who decides what is or is not a color? The web designers at Netscape and Internet Explorer have declared there are 140 possible colors to choose from when you view a website. The have names such as â€Å"palevioletred†and â€Å"snow†. Should â€Å"snow†be considered a color? Can the object in the world that comes in that color, define a color? If so, which color of snow is the color â€Å"snow†? I myself have seen more shades of snow then I could possibly count. How about â€Å"palevioletred†? That is simply two color names put together with an adjective. Are â€Å"brightbluegreen†and â€Å"darkwhitebrown†also colors? Perhaps to answer these questions, we should ask the color experts at Crayola. They currently have 120 different color names in their largest box of crayons. Some of them include â€Å"Fuzzy-Wuzzy Brown†, â€Å"Macaroni and Cheese†, â€Å"Banana Mania†, and â€Å"Mountain Meadow.†In addition, they have a variety of special color sets including â€Å"Glitter†, â€Å"Pearl Brite†and â€Å"Techno Brite†colors. It also seems worth mentioning that Crayola has changed the names of some colors such as â€Å"Prussian Blue†to â€Å"Midnight Blue†, and retired others such as â€Å"Indian Red†. Does this mean that â€Å"Prussian Blue†is no longer an acceptable color name, or that it simply was not the correct name to reference the shade that is now known as â€Å"Midnight Blue†? A few searches on the web brought me to some color name dictionaries that I thought might be helpful. I found that â€Å"Gray 1†all the way through â€Å"Gray 100†are considered color names by some. I have to wonder why each primary color does not have the same listing, for as I understand colors, there should therefore also exist â€Å"Red 1†through â€Å"Red 100†. My conclusion was that there is just no definitive list of color names. I therefore proceeded to allow my subjects to write names such as â€Å"Christmas Tree Green†, â€Å"Sparkle Red†and â€Å"Screaming Green.†If Crayola can do it, I supposed my participants could too. The next thing I found was that personality seemed to effect the way the subjects went about the task of separating out the â€Å"most different†chips. Right away, all my subjects repeated â€Å"Most different?†with a look of pure confusion on their faces. Apparently this was not a familiar task for them. I would repeat, â€Å"Yes, which one do YOU feel is the most different?†It seemed that once I specified that it was a personal judgment they needed to make, and not a right or wrong answer, they were more comfortable making the decisions. The older males still seemed to have more problems then the younger females. They pressed on with questions such as â€Å"What do you mean different?†â€Å"They’re ALL different, how do I choose which is most different?!†One even seemed to get frustrated at the task, but all four agreed to continue, and in the end their answers were very similar. It seems to me that they were making their choices intuitively. If asked â€Å"why†they chose any specific card, they didn’t have an answer. They could not put into words why the yellow of chip E was more different from its closest chip D, then the greenish chips of F and H. I believe that this is why they had trouble with the task in the beginning. When there was a chance that there are right or wrong answers, how could they make choices that they could not verbally back up? Americans are taught to be logical about their choices. They are comfortable with answers being right or wrong. When given a logic question, most Americans will refrain from adding information from their personal lives or extraneous information, and instead will give you correct logical answer, even when it goes against everything in the real world. I find it to be interesting that something we encounter as often as color names, is something we’ve allowed to be so illogical and vague. We have no real color naming system and no real color comparing system. At what point does a shade of red become â€Å"pink†? How many different colors would we constitute as â€Å"green†? There don’t seem to be any definitive answers to these questions, even though computer can measure color very easily. We can calculate the ratio of the primary colors in a given shade, and its darkness to very easily replicate a color. Why does that color not have a definitive name? One might guess that we don’t have names for each color because there are simply too many. However, there are an infinite number of numbers we can mention, and each and ever one has its own distinct name. Why aren’t colors named by number? Perhaps we cannot differentiate between colors enough to recognize a given color alone, so we would never know which color name applied to a given shade. However, lets say I told you there are 100 shades of yellow. â€Å"Yellow 1†is the closest yellow shade to green, and â€Å"Yellow 100†is closest to red. â€Å"Yellow 50†would be the purest shade of yellow you can imagine. Would â€Å"Yellow 75†be more specific then â€Å"Reddish Yellow†? If so, what would you call â€Å"Yellow 93†? Perhaps you would say, â€Å"More Reddish Yellow†or â€Å"Orangey Yellow Red†? Maybe even â€Å"Sunset Yellow†would be your answer. In conclusion, I have to say that color naming is not an exact science. It’s not even a guessing-game. It seems to be a free-for-all in which anyone can refer to any color with any title they like. Compare it to other colors, such as â€Å"Bluish-Green†, put a noun in front of it such as â€Å"Sea Green†, or come up with a completely random name such as â€Å"Green Whisper†and no matter what, nobody could ever argue that its not a color. Then again, nobody will ever know to which exact color shade you are referring. Likewise color similarity judgments seem to be a vague, intuitive guessing game where people can make choices that are very similar to their peers, but that nobody can verbally back up. Perhaps we simply lack the language to describe our decisions, perhaps there is an internal scale we use but have yet to realize and put down in writing. Maybe someday color naming will be an exact science. Perhaps it will never need to be.
Monday, March 2, 2020
The Truth About Its
The Truth About Its The Truth About Its The Truth About Its By Maeve Maddox The first article I submitted to DWT was on the error of writing its for its. I was too late. Michael (Its or Its?) had beaten me to it. No doubt about it the error of writing its for its is on everybodys list of top ten errors that damage a writers credibility. So why do so many of us keep making this error in our drafts? As well as I know the rule, as many times as I have corrected the error in the manuscripts of others, the occasional its for its creeps into my own writing and must be caught in the final revision. Why do we do it? Because our subconscious mind tells us that the spelling its as a possessive is not un-English in the way that other errors are. We write the houses roof, so why not write its roof? The error its for its is the result of an instinctive mirroring of the possessive apostrophe s we use to form the possessive of nouns. Heres the kicker: when the third person neuter possessive adjective came into the language in the 16th century, it was spelled its for the very reason that the new form was modeled on the s of the possessive noun. The spelling its for the possessive adjective was acceptable down to about 1800 (A.C. Baugh, A History of the English Language, p. 295). Nowadays, however, to write its roof instead of its roof marks a writer as pitiably ignorant of the rules of punctuation and orthography. Im not suggesting for a minute that we throw the rule out the window. Its too firmly established for us to disregard it. All I wish to point out is that the errorwhile a mark of carelessness if permitted to escape the final revision of your manuscriptis the result of linguistic instinct, not obstinacy. Moral: Rules of behavior are often arbitrary, like driving on the right side of the road in a given country. Arbitrary or not, we ignore them at our peril. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Avoid Beginning a Sentence with â€Å"With†The Difference Between "will" and "shall"10 Tips for Clean, Clear Writing
Saturday, February 15, 2020
The importance of analysis and analitical skills to the manager making Essay - 1
The importance of analysis and analitical skills to the manager making decisions in business - Essay Example The success of organisations heavily relies on the decision making processes undertaken by managers. Organisations are complex, and thus present complex problems or contexts in which the manager makes decisions. Monahan argues that sound decision making brings positive results while poor decision making can prove deleterious to an organisation. The author also states that although management involves a variety of functions, decision making is a central managerial function as all others entail its use. A good decision making process will result in good decisions and thus success in business, while a flawed process underlying conception of decisions will have the opposite effect.The use of these decision making approaches together will be analysed in terms of how managers apply them in an integrated manner. Managerial Decision Making, Problem Solving and the Structured Analytical Approach According to Yates, a decision refers to the act of making a commitment to undertake an action that will yield satisfactory results to the beneficiaries of that action. From this definition, it is clear that a decision has three fundamental aspects. First is the resolution to execute an action, deliberateness/intention-where the manager purposefully decides so as to achieve specific objectives, and lastly, the satisfaction of those affected by the decision-the beneficiaries. Decision making, thus, implies the process used to arrive at a decision which translates to the different approaches adopted by different business managers. Russell-Jones argues for the importance of the underlying decision making process, stating that a robust, consistent and analytical approach leverages the elements of complexity, uncertainty, objectives, trade-offs., consensus and flexibility among others. This results in the making of sound decisions that can consistently bring about business success. On a c losely related note, managers increasingly find themselves having to undertake problem solving. Hicks (2004, p. 8) details the concept of problem solving, explaining that it entails the manager seeking ways to move from a present situation to a more desirable one. A problem arises when a there is a disparity between what is and what should be. It also represents a situation in which the decision making individual- manager- has alternative courses of action, all with significantly different effects and thus accompanied by doubt about the best choice (9). A number of approaches can be adopted to make managerial decisions and/or solve problems. Monahan (2001, pp. 2-3) explains the dynamics that affect decision making processes; including availability of information, scarcity of resources, and psychological factors. The author also discusses uncertainty in the process of decision making. Deterministic models of managerial decision making activities are used in the absence of uncertainty , while probabilistic models are for cases where business decisions have to be made under uncertainty. One of the most highlighted approaches to effective decision making is the structured analytical approach. Saaty and Vargas (2006, p. 258) explain that structuring the process through analogies and attribute association helps establish a new perspective to a problem and create an environment in which controllable and distinct alternatives can be generated. Gustafson (2006, p. 12) states that an analytical approach to decision making deconstructs a problem into logical, sequential and distinctive elements which can be assessed separately before recombining the components to arrive at
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Introduction to Microeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Introduction to Microeconomics - Essay Example Table 3 shows the trend in oil supply. Generally, oil supply shows an increasing trend just like price and demand, albeit at a slower pace. Supply grew by only 13.38 during the period. It should also be noted that dips in oil prices are matched by corresponding shrinks in the total supply. Oil supply also dropped during 1998, 2001, and 2002. The law of demand states that "All else equal, as price falls, the quantity of demanded rises, as price rises, the quantity demanded falls" (McConnel and Brue 2002, pp. 41). This declares that there is an inverse or negative relationship between price and demand. Tables 1 and 2 above shows the generally increasing trend in oil prices as well as oil demand which clearly violate the law of demand. In a situation where the oil price is rising, we must expect that the quantity demanded to fall as it discourages the purchases of higher priced commodities. However, the mounting demand notwithstanding the rise in prices can be explained by the factors which are exogenous or are outside the price-demand model. During the past years, there has been a boom in the automobile industry due to the increased purchases of cars and other transportation systems. The airline industry is also showing slight recovery with the proliferation of low cost carriers and the strong activity in the tourism sector. This trends and developments in the global market become the key drivers of oil demand. As the nation and the world as a whole, are becoming more and more industrialized, we also became more dependent on oil to fuel our technologically more advanced equipments. Nowadays, the importance of the oil industry can never be overstated. International demand for oil has also been increasing in order to support the growing economies of the prospective giants like China (Some factors 2005). Insufficiency in this resource will surely facilitate the spillover of negative externalities in the entire economy. Oil has become a necessity. Higher prices have not strongly hindered customers from purchasing their much needed fuel to facilitate the efficiency of their everyday activities. On the other hand, the law of supply can be stated as follows: "As price rises, the quantity supplied rises, as price falls, the quantity supplied also falls" (McConnel and Brue 2002, pp.47). This gives price and quantity supplied a positive or direct relationship. Tables 1 and 3 shows that both oil price and quantity supplied is generally in a upward trend with corresponding dips in 1998, 2001, and 2002. This shows a close positive relationship between the two variables as well as the responsiveness of quantity supplied to oil prices. The empirical evidence shows that the oil industry follows the law of supply. The oil industry has been adjusting to the higher global demand by increasing its production. Oil companies have been very keen in taking the opportunity of producing higher oil quantity in order to accommodate the expected mount in global demand. Although economies of scale must have
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Individual and State Roles in Communism According to Marx and Engels Es
Individual and State Roles in Communism According to Marx and Engels Individuals will ultimately serve the state in which the state will control many facets of the individuals’ life, but in return, the civilians will receive the freedoms they deserve in a communistic society. Karl Marx and Frederick Engels adamantly opposed capitalism in many ways and felt the bourgeoisie, or capitalists are enslaving the proletarians, or working class. They claimed that industrialization was reducing the common workingman into mere wage labor and believed that the proletarians of every nation needed to unite and form a revolutionary party in order to overthrow their bourgeoisie captors in order to bring about the â€Å"common interests of the proletariat.†1 This party will create a society in which all men are equal: a communistic society. Within the society there were roles which the individual and the state would play: the individuals would join to form a classless society in which the common interest of the citizens will rule, but the state woul d require the individuals to make sacrifices. Marx and Engels placed much of the responsibility of forming this ideal society on the individual. They called upon the working class, the proletarians, to unite and overthrow their oppressors, the bourgeoisie. In the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels urged the â€Å"Formation of the proletariat into conquest of political power by the proletariat.†1 The proletariats needed to disregard their immediate interests in order to promote the general will of the masses. The Communist Manifesto called upon all proletarians to unite in order to overthrow the bourgeoisie for the implementation of a classless society. One of the main roles of the indi... ...freedom and resources that are necessary. The party will listen to the desires and opinions of the individuals in order to keep the people in control. The idealistic society that Marx and Engels envisioned is reciprocative: individuals sacrifice many of their self- interests to the state, and in return, the state provides equality and freedom. Works Cited 1 Engels, Frederick and Karl Marx. Communist Manifesto. March 11, 2002. 2 Fromm, Erich. Marx’s Concept of Man. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co., 1966. 3 Fetscher, Iring. Marx and Marxism. New York: Herder and Herder, 1971. 4 Leonhard, Wolfgang. Three Faces of Marxism. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970. Links - Read The Communist Manifesto - The Principles Of Communism
Friday, January 17, 2020
A Modern Day Liberal Arts Program
If there is one major lesson that we can learn living in this world, it is the fact of impermanence of everything. The world is constantly in a flux, forever fluid, as well as the reality that humanity must face in his day to day battle to live a decent, comfortable life. Everything is changing. If we would borrow a cliche to describe it, the appropriate one is time is achanging. And during this time when a lot of changes are taking place, there is the importance and need that the programs in our colleges to keep abreast with these changes.Failure to do so will only lead to another failure which is a shortcoming in educating our students to prepare then to face the realities of the outside world. In the case of Liberal Arts Programs, the issue stated above is more than appropriate. Lest we forget, Liberal Arts was founded by scholars whose aim is to maximize and develop the intellectual capacity of its students. The word Liberal in latin means libera which means free. The goal of lib eral arts then is to free its student from the bondage of ignorance.This is the reason why in the basic curriculum in any liberal arts program subjects like language, literature, philosophy and mathematics are included. The reason for this is to enhance the higher faculty of its students and nurture their ability to be well-verse with the outside world and at the same time of the possibilities of what role they will play in society. The role of Liberal Arts program in general under a setting of a democratic system is the fulfillment of every man’s intellectual potential for growth and development.Understanding that the democratic system bestows on man his rights for equality, liberty and freedom, the part played by Liberal Arts colleges towards these goals is to empower the individual to exercise these innate rights given to him by the form of this political setup. Through the programs offered by Liberal Arts, an individual is given the right tools to have the capacity to thi nk and express his ideas that is beneficial in his pursuit of personal development and progress.The result of the process then is that it uplifts the spirit of the person as an individual and simultaneously shapes him to be a productive participant in the society that he will be a part of. At the same time the effect of this on the society at large is the encouragement on the whole organization to advance in its ability to think. Advancement in the way the society think will bring an outcome where the society can find resolution to the challenges it faces in the fast changing world.Nevertheless, the question that lingers in the face of an ever-changing world is: Is the curriculum offered by Liberal Arts programs enough to keep students prepared to realize their potential once they leave the confine of campus life? The answer to this is very obvious. Though the basic curriculum that is included in the program gives the student the basic skills in cerebral endeavor and basic knowledge to participate effectively in society, there is still the need for it to be flexible and open to other disciplines to make it relevant to the changing world.In today’s changing terrain of realities, there are two points that students of this Liberal Arts Program will have to deal with in order to grow and be equipped with the right tools for them to function and participate in the outside world. One is communication and the other one is technology. Why communication and technology. On a cursory look the two seems wide apart. The first one is almost intangible while the latter is concrete and definite. One may even conclude that technology is far from the aim and mission of any liberal arts curriculum.Yet, on a closer look the two complement with each other. There is a need to master the basics of communication thorough which technology will be used as the tool to convey it. What then are the benefits of program for the student and to the society at large? One, the vision whi ch the program has set for each student is for him to be an all-around person who can participate in the outside world with right tools to keep at pace with the changing world, especially in this age of Information Revolution.As for the society at large, the benefit it can derive from this program is the actualization of everything that was taught in liberal arts classroom to be performed by its student in the outside world. Society can sow the fruits of labor of every student of the program. In a gist, this Liberal Arts Program will aim on what Knoblauch says about the uses of literacy, that it never stands alone, that it is always used for something – â€Å"for professional competence in the technological world, for civic responsibility and the preservation of heritage, for personal growth and self fulfillment, for social and political change†(220).Communication The main goal as to the focus of the program towards communication is obviously the intent of propagating literacy among young people. If we follow what Hirsch said in his study, the literacy rate in United States is only around 66% (2). It is therefore right to conclude that that there are basically one third of the population of the country who are illiterate. The program then will aim at equipping the students with skills that can make them speak well, write well and understand how to convey and relay their thoughts and ideas to others and to the society they are part of. How can these ends be met through the program?In the program under the light of communication, a curriculum which will include subjects on right speech and writing will be designed. These issues can be addressed by the inclusion of speech subjects with the objective of training the students in the right manner of being an effective communicator. Speech. There are already in some Liberal Arts programs that include this subject of speech in their curriculum. In this program the same will be applied but with a new phi losophy in treating the subject so that the maximum potential of the student can be reached as soon as possible in the course of the program.The approach would be the utilization of 95% of the class hours in the honing and speech practices to be given to the students. The pattern of teaching then would be breathing exercises during the start of the class. After this and throughout the long duration of the semester, the students will be called to present a prepared speech in front of the class, a speech with the duration of five minutes. This will happen throughout the course. Applying this method of teaching how to speak properly in front of an audience will develop at the same time the confidence of the student to fight stage fright.Meanwhile, the final examination for the course will be an extemporaneous speech by which each student, gaining already the confidence to stand in front of an audience, will be taught the experience of speaking their minds out in a comprehensible and st ructured format. The grading for this course will be unlike in any other speech subject. Since the usual gauge of the instructor in this case is lumping the whole class into one and giving the highest grade to the one who stand out among the rest, this will not be the system for this subject.Since the instructor is observing and sitting at the back of the classroom most of the time, he will grade each student according to his progress in the curriculum. Since a semester is long enough for a student to take several times to stand in front of the class to speak, the basis whether the student passes the subject is whether he has improved in his speaking skills. Writing. It is well known that in every Liberal Arts program there entails an intensive training for writing.It is even said that without focus on this aspect of such a program is a sure doom for the whole curriculum altogether. Writing is the most difficult form of communication since it takes a lot of practice and discipline i n order to put what one has in mind into written words. Many have tried to design different approaches on how to address this and how to imbue it as a college experience for students. There are a hundred methods applied to teach writing in school and so far there are only a handful or a small percentage of those who are taught who came out as good writer.In this program concerning writing, there will only be two types of writing skills that will be given priority and importance. One is essay writing and the second one is creative writing. Essay Writing. As I have said there are many approaches tried on this subject to attain the goal that the students gain the skill of writing well. There are many colleges which tried to start-up the writing development of student by applying the formula of instructing their students to put their ideas into writing. But in this program, the approach will be different.Part of the syllabus will be for each student to write different kinds of essays. T hese are assignments that will be scheduled for the students to submit to the professor during the course of the semester. This scheme is only the tip of the iceberg in teaching the students how to write. First, to let the student feel the words and see how his ideas are transformed into written texts, part of the daily activity of the students in this subject is the creation of what you called a â€Å"morning page†paper.This paper will be written continuously for half an hour with the instruction to the student to write everything he thinks or sees or smells or anything that comes to his mind during that session. Grammar, systax, punctuation and sentences structure in this activity are not considered. There are no right tenses here or correct English. The point of the exercise is to make the student flex his writing muscles. Another part of the activity that will be included in this course is the creation of a journal by every student.It must be clear to the student that to learn how to write one must practice it as regular as possible. And there is no regular activity that will force to the student to write by keeping a journal. Creative Writing. As part of the growth of the student a creative writing class will be designed to encourage him to use his creativity in expressing himself. They say the most difficult kind of writing is the creative one. So why then torture these students of the program to undergo a rigorous writing training that would make their nose bleed?The answer to this question is the simple learning process that the brain adjusts to the difficulty of the task and keeps at par with it. The analogy that I will use for this case is the simple game of playing chess against a computer. If the player would start at the most difficult and professional level of the chess game, it is of course expected that the a notice player will lose hundreds of times. Yet, at the same time this failure to beat the computer in a chess game will give the player hints and samples of how to play the game decisively.Sooner or later the player will adapt to the playing style of the computer and will experience his first win. Used to playing with the highest level the computer can offer, the player then will find it easy to play the lower level skill of the computer. Applied in the case of writing and considering that creative writing is the most difficult style of writing, if the student learns to use his language to write a creative piece, it is conclusive to say that any form of writing then will be easy on his part since he has already mastered the most difficult one.It is like sparring out with a heavyweight then fighting a featherweight will then be easy. This course will take two semesters to complete, during the Fall and Spring semester. Part of the activities here will be on the sport story writing exercises, several sessions of rewriting a previous written assignment. And for the final examination of the students, a short story that runs in 15 pages will be submitted to the professor for evaluation on the progress of the student. Also, as part of the curriculum, the students will be given reading list for the two semesters.This reading list will be novels of classic and contemporary writers of fiction. The genre for the novels does not matter. It may be a pulp fiction, speculative fiction, modernist novels or any other types. From this list the students will choose which they wanted to read for their development in writing a short story. There are three objectives by which this course is chosen and included in the curriculum. First is for the student to learn how to handle his language, second is for him to express himself creatively and the third is for him to write better.Technology Since one of the changes that are fast shaping the terrain of reality and the human society at large is the advent of the Information Revolution, it is appropriate that the curriculum being offered by Liberal Arts includes c ourses that will enhance the ability of the students to keep abreast with this innovation in technology. Right now, the role played by information technology has encroached on almost every aspect of everyday lives of the modern man.Since the core objective of any Liberal Arts program is to free the students from the bondage of ignorance and prepare him with the realities of the outside world, inclusion of technology in the curriculum is not at all unexpected. Instead, it is totally anticipated to be the course of action of every program. One of the subjects that will fall under this category of technology in the curriculum of this specific Liberal Arts Program is the basic introduction on computer technology. Most colleges have incorporated in their curriculum the use of computer to their students, like how to use word processor, spreadsheets and slide presentation.But this approach under the light of the fast integration of information technology in the lives of the modern man is a lready passe if not outdated altogether. Teaching a student how to use the computer right now is like teaching him how to operate his television set. It is already given that young people who are going into colleges are well adept with the use of computer. The role that the Liberal Arts Program will take is to push the knowledge of the student beyond from what is already known about information technology.The program then will include in its curriculum basic knowledge on computer hardware like repair and troubleshooting. Included also in the curriculum is the study of how to use the most popular software as of the present time. I said present time since this subject in computer software should be flexible to change at any given time to adjust to the fast pace innovations in information technology. Applying the popular Moore’s Law that the rate of progress of technology is rapid (ebrary Inc, 28) in this equation is appropriate.Computers are expected to perform calculations tha t doubles every two years, it must be anticipated that what is useful now will be passe and outdate in a couple of years. Grading System There have been many debates regarding the best grading system that ought to be applied in gauging the intellectual progress of every student. In this program, the grading system that will be followed by the instructors and the professors will sit on the foundation that the best gauge of intellectual capacity and development of the student is the progress he shows in the class and in the array of activities designed in the curriculum.It must be understood that the maturity of learning capacity of each student varies from each other considering students are different in their intellectual levels. The role that instructors and professors in the program then will be demanding and laborious since the process and discernment of what grade should get will be on their total evaluation of the student’s progress in their subjects. This grading system will be applied principally in the two major concerns of this program: communication and technology. This kind of grading system is specifically appropriate to be applied in the speech and writing classes.Since these skills take time to be developed, it will be proper if the grading system is according to the progress that the student is making in the course. Take as an example the subject of writing essays. Though everybody in the class is taking the subject for the first time, some may have already an experience in writing that can give them an edge in earning a higher grade. To give each student the chance to get a good grade on the subject, each will be graded according to the development and how fast the student has instilled in himself the craft of writing.Moreover, grading each student according to his progress will put the focus of on imbuing the skill rather than merely getting a high mark for the course. The advantage of this grading scheme is the fact that the priority o f the student is how to improve his skills in the art of writing. When the goal of the course is focused on the improvement of the student in learning the craft rather than merely getting a good grade, the effect or result of this is the continuance of learning experience even if the course is already over.Since the student is oriented towards the goal of improving his skills and not just on the temporary and limited goal of earning a good mark, the writing experience is expected to continue until the student is already out of the campus. Knowing for a fact that writing better and effectively per se cannot be taught in a single or couple of semester, one of the main goal then of the course is for the student to continue putting effort to hone his skills in the endeavor of writing until his older and professional years.Though this scheme somewhat will be applied sparingly in the course of subjects concerning technology. Since the subjects are more concrete and mechanic in nature, the progress alone of the student in the curriculum will not suffice to gauge his effort in trying to learn the course. Conclusion The objective of any Liberal Arts program is to bring to freedom from ignorance each student that will take the course. At the same time, the program is designed with the primary goal of giving the student tools with which to face and participate in the outside world of the campus.These tools take the forms of skills like effective speech and deftness in writing craft and knowledge in the new technology abundant in the present age of ours. These skills will help the student be a better player and participant in the society once he is already outside the campus. The good about the program is that it complements the setup in a democratic society where each individual is given his right to pursue equality, liberty and freedom from ignorance. The curriculum that this program will focus on will be communication and technology since these two disciplines also com plement each other.Skills in speech and writing will be given the great emphasis while technology through the instruction of how computer works will also be given an importance. The grading system also by which the student will be evaluated will sit on the foundation of looking on the progress of the student rather than meeting the expectation of the instructor or professor. The advantage of this grading scheme is the re-alignment of priority for the student to look at the curriculum as a means to enhance his skills rather than merely getting high marks.Another point of this is the fact that the skills and discipline that the student may imbue on the whole program will be continued to be practiced even if he is already outside the boundary of the campus. Work Cited ebrary, Inc. Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field. Washington, DC, National Academies Press, 2004 Knoblauch, C. H. â€Å"Literacy and the Politics of Education†. Composing Knowledg e. Ed:Rolf Norgaard. Boston, New York. Bedford/St. Martin, 2007. pp. (198-209). Hirsch, E. D. â€Å"Cultural Literacy†. Boston. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1987 Annotated Bibliographyebrary, Inc. Computer Science: Reflections on the Field, Reflections from the Field. Washington, DC, National Academies Press, 2004 This book basically tackled the progress in information technology. In the paper, there is a need for it to be cited since the discussion is the fast pace development in this modern technology. The importance of the idea is to present that the reasoning of the writer in saying that there should be flexibility in the creation of curriculum concerning computer literacy. Knoblauch, C. H. â€Å"Literacy and the Politics of Education†. Composing Knowledge. Ed:Rolf Norgaard.Boston, New York. Bedford/St. Martin, 2007. pp. (198-209). The underlying argument for the reason of the use of what Knoblauch said is to present the fact that literacy has its used in society. Sin ce literacy is one of the objectives of Liberal Arts, it is important to cite his text to show what will be the function of being a literate in society. Hirsch, E. D. â€Å"Cultural Literacy†. Boston. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1987 The function of the information given by Hirsh in his book is to present the problem that is besetting the American population. There is a need for what the author said
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