Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Monday, December 23, 2019
An Autobiography of What He Went Through as a Slave in The...
The Narrative Perspective of Frederick Douglass The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is an autobiography written by Frederick Douglass himself. No one knows the hardships and difficult times that Frederick Douglass went through as a slave, better than himself. That is why Frederick Douglass is considered to be, in my opinion, is the most reliable author when it comes to telling the story of his life as a slave. Frederick Douglass was born in Talbot County, Maryland around the year 1817 or 1818. Soon after Douglass was born, he was separated from his mother and was sent to Baltimore to work as a servant. Since he was separated from his mother at such a young age, Douglass did not develop a bond with her. After her death, he†¦show more content†¦Frederick Douglass appears to be rather smart and well minded compared to the other slaves. He was briefly taught how to read and write by Sophia Auld. Once Sophia’s husband, Douglass’ master, found out she was teaching him how to read and write, he immediately ordered her to stop teaching. Douglass stated, â€Å"The very decided manner with which he spoke, and strove to impress his wife with the evil consequences of giving me instruction, served to convince me that he was deeply sensible of the truths he was uttering†. â€Å"What he most dreaded, that I most desired. What he most loved, that I most hated. That which to him was a great evil, to be carefully shunned, was to me a great good, to be diligently sought; and the argument which he so warmly urged, against my learning to read, only served to inspire me with a desire and determination to learn†(Douglass). That quote by Frederick Douglass is very powerful, and goes to show how strong his motivation was to better his life. Soon after that, Douglass was able to teach himself a bit more on how to read and write. He was a smart man, and he was very knowledgeable. After seeing the gruesome shooting of Demby by Mr. Gore, Douglass was able to reenact the scene, explaining all of the little details he witnessed. In a way, he used this to his advantage. He used the gruesome stories of the terrible things that happen to other slaves, to provide a valid argument about how evil andShow MoreRelatedNarrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglas, An American Slave1280 Words  | 6 Pageswould even venture as far as saying that America never owned ANY slaves. However, historical evidence proves them wrong. Frederick Douglas was a slave during the 1800’s who ultimately escaped and became an Abolitionist and activist for equality for all people, no matter their race or gender. In his autobiography, Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglas, an American Slave, Douglas describes his life as a slave and the horrific acts he endured. America, a Concise History, by James Henretta, devotesRead MoreBeloved by Toni Morrison1455 Words  | 6 Pagessuffered horrifically. Not many slaves knew their mothers because they were torn from their homes. Many slave women were robbed of their innocence by their masters. Behind the face of every slave, there is always a very traumatic unforgettable story which is not something to pass on, but a lesson to remember from repeating same mistake again. Only a handful of slaves learned to read and write, and from their stories we can read the horrors they went through. Slave narratives brings these hardships to lightRead MoreDouglas vs Stowe1650 Words  | 7 Pagesprinciples. Its authorship includes Frederick Douglass and Harriet Beecher Stowe who dually challenges the legitimacy of slavery in their literature. While both Harriet Beecher Stowe’s â€Å"Uncle Tom’s Cabin,†and Frederick Douglas’s â€Å"Narrative of the Life of an American Slave,†offer impelling accounts, regarding the historical slavery era throug hout the 1800s, the two authors write from distinctive experiences. Stowe’s Uncle Tom, a fictional character, attracts his audience through his profound Christian faithRead MoreFrederick Douglas : A Man And Slave Woman1159 Words  | 5 PagesFrederick Douglas: Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey was born in February 1818 on the eastern shore of Maryland whose parent were a white man and slave woman by the name of Harriet Bailey. He was name after his mother, Harriet Bailey, but he only saw her a couple of times. At the age eight or nine he was sent to live with family of his slave owner’s in Baltimore, Maryland. By the age of fifteen, Frederick was literate. Around this same time, he went back to his owner to work as a field hand.Read MoreFrederick Douglass And The Abolitionist Movement1337 Words  | 6 PagesFrederick Douglass’s Contributions to the Abolitionist Movement Throughout the nineteenth century there was a movement that swept the upper south. This movement was the abolitionist movement which made an effort to emancipate all slaves and stop racial segregation along with discrimination. This movement led to many renowned historical figures contributing through speeches and writings with the goal of seeking an end to slavery. One of these individuals was Frederick Douglass who escaped slaveryRead MoreFrederick Douglass Essay766 Words  | 4 PagesSuch innovators include Frederick Douglas, Charles Darwin and Steve Jobs. Frederick Douglass was one of the revolutionists that reformed the world while also going through hardships. In 1818, Frederick Douglass was born a slave in Maryland. Douglass learned how to read and write, which at the time was extremely uncommon for slaves. Over the years, Douglass wrote his famous biography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, and inspired the nation. In his autobiography, Douglass wrote about growingRead More Fredrick Douglass Essay1355 Words  | 6 PagesFrederick Douglass, an abolitionist who altered Americas views of slavery through his writings and actions. Fredericks life as a slave had the greatest impact on his writings. Through his experience as a slave, he developed emotion and experience for him to become a successful abolitionist writer. He experienced harsh treatment and his hate for slavery and desire to be free caused him to write Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. In his Narrative, he wrote the story of his miserableRead M oreNarrative Of Life Of Frederick Douglass1271 Words  | 6 Pageslegs†This is one of many famous quotes by Frederick Douglass that illustrates that no dream or hope can be achieved without any action. In his autobiography Narrative of Life of Frederick Douglass, he outlines his life as a slave and his journey towards freedom through his desire for education. In Narrative of Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, the story expresses repression that slaves experienced through Douglass’s related experiences as a slave. The obstacles that Douglass conquers toRead MoreThe Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass1485 Words  | 6 Pages2015 Slaves Breaking The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass was an autobiography written by Fredrick Douglass himself. There are tons of books written about slavery, but this narrative is one of the first accounts written by an actual slave. Douglass talks about the horror stories behind the lives of many slaves. Douglas’s father was a slave owner and his mother was a slave named Harriet Bailey, which means Douglass was born biracial. Within the autobiography he talks about life as a slaveRead MoreFrederick Douglass Should Be Considered A Maryland State1471 Words  | 6 PagesFrederick Douglass should be considered a Maryland State Author despite the deplorable societal conditions that constrained lives of African-Americans. Frederick Douglass managed to rise above them, and ascended from the society’s lowest conditions of slavery and racism, to become an important, and a strong proponent of change in the ancient American society. Because of his enthusiasm to work towards achiev ing change for himself and for society, he has received tribute of admiration from various
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Donner Party Jonathan E Free Essays
Their plan was to move to California, acquire cheap land where e they could reap he benefits of rich soil and good climate that Springfield Illinois did not Provo De them. The journey to California was the beginning of a new life for The Donned party and for many others. The move westward worried many people because of the possible encounter with aggressive Indians, however the Indians should not have been their main worry. We will write a custom essay sample on Donner Party Jonathan E or any similar topic only for you Order Now Uniform neatly the decision to follow a faulty guide westward to California led these travelers into challenge gees that they could not overcome. The Donned Party’s emigration west was marked as one of the most catastrophic journeys in the history of westward expansion. The Donned Party story began with a plan to move to California along the Oregon trail (the safest route) until reaching Hast inns cutoff where they began the dangerous trek towards California resulting in death and suffer ring until the rescue approximately one year later. Espanola 2 James Reed and the Donned Brothers decided that they were going to leave S predefined Illinois and travel to California with their families leaving behind a prosperous life (Lavender 3). Their plan was to follow a guide called â€Å"The Emigrants’ Guide to Oregon and C laboring†by Langford W. Hastings that will lead them to California using the shortcut know as the Hastings Cutoff, this would shorten the trip by three hundred miles (V. Murphy 19). In order to make this trip possible they needed to prepare themselves with food, supplies, suits blew clothing and method for transportation. James Reed created a luxurious wagon that was known as the â€Å"Pioneer palace car†due to his experience in furniture making. The wagon was equipped with a stove, beds and had ample space to bring supplies in order to make the trip comfortable and homelike (Clamor 21 They also brought with them oxen’s, steers and horses to facilitate trans rotation and cows to provide milk. Enough supplies were gathered to get them through the first WI enter in California which they thought would take them six months (V. Murphy peg 2). Young men who wanted to go to California but could not afford it, known as Teamsters, were hired to do the hard work of walking beside the oxen’s for the entire trek. Their job was to care for oxen an d in return they were given food and space in the wagon to sleep (Lavender 13). Everybody ha ad role on this journey. Women were to cook, look after children and do laundry. The men h united, steered and maintained the wagons and cared for the animals. Ready to go, the three fame ices set out for the west on April 16, 1846 not knowing the challenges that they would face. The Donned Party arrived at their first destination on May 1 1, 1846, at Indeed emended Missouri, where they, along with everybody else moving west, would find the Oregon and California Trails. This was the beginning point for travelers going west, even b jack in 1843 when the first wave of emigrants went west (B. Brooke). There they met up with anon there family Espanola 3 traveling to California, the Breed family, and together they hurried to catch up to the other travelers ahead of them destined for California. After forty fives days of travel through changing climate that was troublesome for the emigrants they arrived at Fort Laramie, a famous Indian trading post. They realized that the further west they traveled they encounter De more climate changes such as: infrequent rains, electric storms, dry sand dust and hot suns whine, that would make travel more difficult for the emigrants. The travelers, despite small prop elms along the way, seemed excited to reach new territory. At Fort Laramie they were please .NET greeted by Indians from the Sioux tribe and were able to finally take a rest from the journo eye and even elaborate Independence Day, then â€Å"America was turning seventy years old†. H ere James Reed came across an old friend, James Clammy, who had crossed the shortcut Hast nag’s mentioned in the guide, but said that it was dangerous and that travelers should avoid cross sing that terrain. He recommended that people follow the know terrain of Fort Hall road that went northwest to California (Lavender 1824). Reed stayed focused on taking the shortcut because SE he felt the group could do so just as they had done making it to Fort Laramie from Index endurance, MO with its obstacles. The wagon party voted to take the shorter route and elected Ego GE Donned the leader, the group from here on out was known as the Donned Party. Fort Bride gear was the final stop, before Hastings Cutoff, for the party to stock up on supplies, repair wag ones and purchase more livestock. They had reached the point of no return. On July 31 SST the part y set out on the dangerous unknown trek southwest following the guide book’s shortcut that not even the author himself had crossed. From here on The Donned Party would find most of their troubles that events ally led them to tragedy. The first challenge they came across, in what was to be a see ounce Of several Espanola 4 starters, was at the base of Weber Canyon. That day, August 6th 1846, the D owner party found a letter from Hastings telling them that the trail was very dangerous and to w tit for him to return in order to guide them through another route (Clamor 53). Hastings did not d o as he promised on the note, so James Reed decided to travel ahead and find him for a solution. When James Reed spoke with Hastings he told him to avoid the canyon trail, recommended in hi s guide book, due to the narrow walls that would not allow wagons to pass . Hastings pointed oh t to the distance a route that the Donned party should take. Once again, the decision to follow H castings directions failed them. They went off into new terrain, uphill’s that were practically impose Siebel to ascend. What was supposed to take a week, took them one month (V. Murphy 20). The e Donned Party and their oxen, exhausted from the trip, arrived at the Great Salt Lakes on August 22, 1846. There they found another letter from Hastings stating that the trek across the salt d assert was forty miles and it would take them two days and TV nights to cross. Proving Hastings in correct again, the trip actually took them five days to cross resulting in a shortage of supplies, d hydrated men and oxen, and wagons left behind. The extreme climate Of the desert also took an impact on the party (Clamor). On September 26th, knowing they did not have enough supplies to r each California, they arrived at the Humboldt River where Hastings cutoff met with the old trait l. In fact, the shorter route was 1 25 miles longer than the old route. Video Having fallen be hind they were desperate to reach the Sierra Nevada mountains in order to get to California before the winter. October 1 6th they arrived in Truckee at the base of the mountains where they soon realized they came too late because a harsh winter had come. The Donned Party had travel De 2500 miles over a seven month period with only 1 50 more miles to Setters Fort, their final deist nation (R. Burns DVD). The winter snow forced them to set up camp at Truckee Lake, now know win as Donned Espanola 5 Lake, where they would spend the entire winter. Some members of the group tried to cross the mountains a few times but were unable due to the weather conditions. The WI enter brought heavy snowstorms trapping the members at Don newer Camp. After killing the last of t heir animals for food they began to eat materials that did not provide them with the nutrition added to survive the winter. It was noted that they ate twigs, bark, leaves, bones, and even boil De the leather from shoes to eat (Clamor 96). Many began to die from malnutrition and extreme c old conditions as the winter went on. In this time of extreme desperation the people had to rest rot to cannibalism for survival. They marked the flesh so that no one had to eat the meat of their own kin. The people were in a dire situation of starvation and delirium. December 26th ma irked the first day that they ate a human, the dead body of Patrick Dolled was cut apart and coo ked on a the fire (Clamor 108). By January 1847 California had become territory of the United states after the defeat of the Mexicans. James Reed, who had separated from the group months back, was able to gather men and form a rescue party to relieve those at Donned Camp. January 31 SST t he first rescue team set out for Donned Camp arriving on February 7th. They were shocked at the s eight of death and famine people. The completed rescue of those at Donned Camp required a t total of four rescue teams, the camp was evacuated by April 17th 1847. Of the original Donned pa arty that consisted of 87 members, 46 of them had survived. The entire Reed and Breed family s arrived however the Donned family was not as fortunate. Both Donned brothers had perished at Donned Camp during the dreadful winter, the only ones that survived were two of the Don ere children. This tragic story of the Donned party was said to be a part of the American Dry am. â€Å"An American dream that has nightmares attached to them, and for many results d in disaster†video. Espanola 6 Like many others the Donned Party followed a movement where people were encouraged to go west and settle in foreign land. Many thought this travel to be a new adventure but for the Donned Party it turned out to be the last trip of their lives, never reaching thee r dreams of a new life in California. How to cite Donner Party Jonathan E, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
How far does Macbeth fit the dramatic model of a tragic hero Essay Example For Students
How far does Macbeth fit the dramatic model of a tragic hero ? Essay Shakespeare wrote the play Macbeth building up some relation with the reality in it. To introduce the historical context, this play has been written in 1606 while the reign of James 1st of England. This King was preceded by Queen Elisabeth. In the play, two characters are compared to her: Duncan, because she had the habit of gracing her favoured Nobleman just as Duncan graces Macbeth, and Macbeth, because she was ruthless, just as he is. As for James 1st of England, he wrote a book about witchcraft, called Daemonology. As a boy, he had been told many times of how his family descended from Banquo. In 1606, he watched a performance of Macbeth and was very pleased. All of this to say that when writing this play, Shakespeare had it well adapted to the historical context. Macbeth is seen as a dramatic character because he has got the attributes needed to be a tragic hero. For this, there are several important points: the character must have a high stature; indeed Macbeth is a nobleman, a Thane: â€Å"I know I am Thane of Glamis†(I, iii p.7), he must commit an act which will begin his downfall; Macbeths downfall starts when he kills King Duncan in Act II scene ii, and he must die in or at the end of the play; which is the case in Act V scene viii â€Å"Macbeth slain†. Macbeths ambition to become King leads him to fit the dramatic model of a tragic hero. It makes him move from a nobleman to an evil and violent character. But this ambition wouldnt be as imposing if he hadnt meet the three witches; indeed their prophecies pushed this ambition forward and made him start to kill. The murders Macbeth commits appear in Act II scene ii and in Act III scene iv. This first one is of course King Duncans murder. Macbeth commits this murder by himself, with the help of Lady Macbeth for some little mistake at the end. Before and after the crime, hes very tense and anxious. He is especially terrified by the blood: he imagines that by washing the blood of his hands they â€Å"will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine, making the green one red†. The vocabulary he uses belongs to the lexical field of murder: â€Å"daggers†, â€Å"blood†, â€Å"dead†, â€Å"murder†. All of this shows this scene is one of the most important ones of the play. For the second crime, Macbeth engages murderers to kill Banquo. He doesnt tell his wife, what will scare and derange her; this is shown by the change of the length of her lines between the beginning and the end of the scene. We also notice a lot of pauses. These suggest thoughtfulness. This scene is also full of images; Macbeth refers to the body, blood and to animals: â€Å"Thy bones are marrowless†, â€Å"Thy blood is cold†, â€Å"Russian bear, The armd rhinoceros, or th Hyrcan tiger†, â€Å"If charnel-houses and our graves must send those that we bury back our monuments shall be the maws of kites†. These images also contribute to this stressful atmosphere. So his ambition and the murders he commits seem to make him turn mad, which shows clearly that this is his downfall. The witches prophecies affected Macbeth and made him curious to why they predicted he would become King. Because of this, Macbeths ambition seemed to be one of his strengths, the other ones being courage and honour, but after he murdered Duncan, it became his fragility. Soliloquies also contribute towards Macbeths dramatic model of a tragic hero. They show his ambition, as well as his plans or intentions. They allow the audience to go through his feelings, then to understand his behaviour and his decisions further. .u8877f77dc62c273de5239d2152382b91 , .u8877f77dc62c273de5239d2152382b91 .postImageUrl , .u8877f77dc62c273de5239d2152382b91 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8877f77dc62c273de5239d2152382b91 , .u8877f77dc62c273de5239d2152382b91:hover , .u8877f77dc62c273de5239d2152382b91:visited , .u8877f77dc62c273de5239d2152382b91:active { border:0!important; } .u8877f77dc62c273de5239d2152382b91 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8877f77dc62c273de5239d2152382b91 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8877f77dc62c273de5239d2152382b91:active , .u8877f77dc62c273de5239d2152382b91:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8877f77dc62c273de5239d2152382b91 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8877f77dc62c273de5239d2152382b91 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8877f77dc62c273de5239d2152382b91 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8877f77dc62c273de5239d2152382b91 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8877f77dc62c273de5239d2152382b91:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8877f77dc62c273de5239d2152382b91 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8877f77dc62c273de5239d2152382b91 .u8877f77dc62c273de5239d2152382b91-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8877f77dc62c273de5239d2152382b91:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The True Tragic Hero in Sophocles' Antigone EssayHere is the example of Macbeths soliloquy in Act I scene iii. In the beginning of this monologue, Macbeth â€Å"anticipates a mighty drama†. This shows he knows and he has got an idea of what hes going to do: â€Å"As happy prologues to the swelling act of the imperial theme†. But then some uncertainty comes in for the rest of the soliloquy; Macbeth asks himself questions: â€Å"Why hath it given me earnest of success, commencing in a truth ?†, and some seesaw rhythms express this uncertainty: from â€Å"This supernatural soliciting†to â€Å"Against the use of nature ?†. His state of mind is showed by his way of speaking: he uses an irregular grammar and the meaning of his words is different. We can see this in the quotation â€Å"My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, shakes so my single state of man that function is smotherd in surmise†. This soliloquy is important; it actually is Macbeths first soliloquy of the play. It is significant because as Macbeth makes his speech, the audience starts to discover how he thinks, understands and interprets facts and ideas, as other people wont especially use the same way(s) and method(s) of analysing the situations. Uncertainty and doubt is also shown by his vocabulary and the type of phrase he uses. So we notice questions, but also small sentences, small affirmations: â€Å"I am Thane of Cawdor†. The vocabulary he uses is peculiar: â€Å"supernatural†, â€Å"horrible imaginings†, â€Å"fantastical†. It suggests that Macbeth is somewhere else, lost in his thoughts, and therefore, confused and uncertain. So in this soliloquy, which is Macbeths first one, doubt and hesitation are shown by different ideas and by his behaviour as it is strange and unusual. Another important soliloquy of Act IV, scene ii, in which Macbeth reveals his plan, of killing Macduff and his family, to the audience: â€Å"The castle of Macduff I will surprise His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls†. When he says this, we feel his plan is all ready for him to execute. This shows again that soliloquies are for Macbeth a way to reveal himself and to communicate with the audience. Lady Macbeth helps Macbeth to fit in the dramatic model of a tragic hero, partly because she was the first one to have the idea of killing Duncan. These two characters have a close relationship; for Lady Macbeths very first speech, she reads a letter her husband, Macbeth, wrote himself. Furthermore, they share a secret that could kill them and they support each other in the difficult moments, like before and after the murders scenes: â€Å"Macbeth leaves the state dinner, suddenly worried by what he us planning to do. But Lady Macbeth stirs up his spirits again†. For example there is Act II scene ii when Macbeth comes back from Duncans murder. In this scene Macbeths and Lady Macbeths dialogue is very rapid. They both speak with short sentences or words. This shows theyre both tense and anxious. This brevity and this rhythm suggest they feel terrible about what theyve just done. It shows theyre dramatic and emotive. For example, when Lady Macbeth answers â€Å"Donaldbain†, we hear silence. In fact, she could have answered by a sentence. But the atmosphere is so stressful that the reader doesnt even expect a long answer. Guilt actually could intensify the drama by creating some uncertainty in the characters minds. We can feel this uncertainty within the numerous questions they ask and the short answers they built: â€Å"As I descended ?†â€Å"Ay.†. The props used, such as the dagger and the blood actually help the actors to build a dramatic situation. Theyre also there to intensify the terror of the atmosphere in this scene because a dagger and blood have a very negative signification; they symbolize murder and death. .u2ac37b2e636c0eb10d6c777468f9eaa3 , .u2ac37b2e636c0eb10d6c777468f9eaa3 .postImageUrl , .u2ac37b2e636c0eb10d6c777468f9eaa3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2ac37b2e636c0eb10d6c777468f9eaa3 , .u2ac37b2e636c0eb10d6c777468f9eaa3:hover , .u2ac37b2e636c0eb10d6c777468f9eaa3:visited , .u2ac37b2e636c0eb10d6c777468f9eaa3:active { border:0!important; } .u2ac37b2e636c0eb10d6c777468f9eaa3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2ac37b2e636c0eb10d6c777468f9eaa3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2ac37b2e636c0eb10d6c777468f9eaa3:active , .u2ac37b2e636c0eb10d6c777468f9eaa3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2ac37b2e636c0eb10d6c777468f9eaa3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2ac37b2e636c0eb10d6c777468f9eaa3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2ac37b2e636c0eb10d6c777468f9eaa3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2ac37b2e636c0eb10d6c777468f9eaa3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2ac37b2e636c0eb10d6c777468f9eaa3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2ac37b2e636c0eb10d6c777468f9eaa3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2ac37b2e636c0eb10d6c777468f9eaa3 .u2ac37b2e636c0eb10d6c777468f9eaa3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2ac37b2e636c0eb10d6c777468f9eaa3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The speech used is full of double meanings and there are many symbolic features in the play EssaySo in this scene we have an atmosphere which is both tense and guilty and which unveils uncertainty. Then, in the scene that follows, Macduff discovers the murder. Here, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth act and lie to hide their real identity and thus to keep their secret. They do this well, but then Macbeth starts to exaggerate a little his reaction; he uses the initiative and pushes the murder further: â€Å"Who can be wise, amazd, temprate, and furious, Courage to makes love known?†. In the first sentence of this speech, the chiasmus â€Å"wise, amazd, temprate, and furious†accentuates his words and his initiative even more. In Act III scene iv, for Banquos murder, Macbeth doesnt warn Lady Macbeth immediately what disturbs and scares her. This lets us discover Lady Macbeth slightly more by looking at her reaction to the strange behaviour of her husband. And she actually starts to worry about him what proves she cares for him. But we can see she feels excluded from Macbeths latest plans and this may add up some anger to her feelings. In Act V scene v, Macbeth learns about his wifes death. His response to the news is very significant because he really emits the feeling that he doesnt care; his reply starts by â€Å"She should have died hereafter†and this is absolutely the opposite of what the audience expects. Moreover, it is an officer, called Seyton, who tells him Lady Macbeths death, in an aggressive and very direct way: â€Å"The queen, my lord, is dead†. The pronunciation of this officers name, Seyton, remembers Satan who actually represents evil. This gives us the impression that evil in itself comes to give the news to Macbeth and this also suggests that Lady Macbeth went to hell. So we can conclude that nothing but a unexpected reaction and a secondary persona can even make a character like Macbeth more tragic than he already is. The tragic hero Macbeth plays is revealed by three essential points: his character, as well as his wife, Lady Macbeth, and his ambition, involving the three witches. They all help and contribute to the dramatic persona in which he lives, feels and dies.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Organization and Behavior Essay Sample free essay sample
â€Å"Organizational behavior is a field of survey that investigates the impact that persons. groups and construction have on behaviors within organisation for the intent of using such cognition toward bettering an organization’s effectivity. †– Stephen P. Robbins ( Magicman. 2011 ) . An organisation has its ain different types in which are set up to function figure of intents and to run into a assortment of demands. It comes in all signifiers. form. and sizes and considered to hold MOPS. Analyzing Organization and Behaviour enables the approaching directors. which are the concern pupils. to go more competitory and effectual at their hereafter occupations. It is besides an of import construct for any organisation. since it deals with the three determiners of behaviour in an organisation: Persons. Groups. and Structure. Analyzing this construct will assist the organisation to better and alter the persons. groups and organisational behaviour to achieve each ends. Organizational Structure and Culture * Organization does non be independently but is unfastened to. We will write a custom essay sample on Organization and Behavior Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page and in continual interaction with. the broader external environment of which it is portion. * A major determiner of an organization’s construction is its civilization. * The permeant nature of civilization in footings of both external influences and ‘how things are done around here’ and common values. beliefs and attitudes will hold a important consequence on organisational procedures including the design of construction. * The construction of work organisations besides involves the wider context of social constructions and civilizations. 1. 1 Compare and contrast different organisational construction and civilization. As portion of this research. we were informed to detect and measure the public presentation of the two popular fast nutrient ironss viz. : Jollibee and McDonalds. Therefore. the undermentioned diagrams and charts are the consequence of the said rating. Figure 1 Hierarchal Structure of McDo Figure 2 Hierarchal Structure of Jollibee Given the diagrams above. it is clear that both companies have formal organisational constructions. However. there are some differences between them. Explain the differences between two different organisation structures/charts. M2 Both companies are similar in that they do understand and pattern employee authorization although the grade of success may change. The authorization provides the footing for a more participative civilization. Employees are tasked in smaller groups to take on challenge to work out jobs. However. Mcdonalds seems to hold a taller hierarchy than Jollibee’s. This is because of their signifier of concern is said to be franchised and so they have their proprietor operator and a 2 helper directors. It can be besides affected by the civilization created by the American laminitis named. Ray Kroc. It doesn’t mean that Mcdo has a non so good communicating but that’s their position where they think their direction works all the clip. Unlike Jollibee that has a shorter hierarchy. has a better communicating compared to Mcdo’s because it is easy for them to seek and speak easy to the upper an d lower places. It besides tackles less clip to pass on with one another. Second is the span of control. Jollibee has a few span of direction compared to Mcdo. which gives a strong grade of decentalisation within the degrees of its hierarchy. 1. 2 Explain how the relationship between an organization’s construction and civilization can impact on the public presentation of the concern. Figure [ 3 ] Span of Control Impact of Culture and Structure on the public presentation Jollibee’s civilization is said to be a Filipino civilization since it was founded by Tony Tan. It was really originated in the Philippines. hence. the manner of how Jollibee service and handle the clients is really different from others. While Mcdo. has its ain civilization depending on the laminitis that gave influence to its direction. Some Mcdo mercantile establishments abroad have this policy ‘self-service’ that clients have to clean their tabular arraies after repast. where in fact. it is an opposite manner here in the state that being hospitable is nurtured among Filipinos. Based on the construction of both companies. Jollibee has a flatter hierarchy compared to Mcdo. which means that holding a shorter or flatter hierarchy is better in communicating. less clip in seeking one another and most significantly is holding a closer relationship. The higher the hierarchy. the worse communicating it can make and hold a non so close relationship. In decision to this. the impact in the public presentation is rather bad. For illustration. the company has a meeting to discourse about new thoughts on how to better the development of the company. But because of the impact of civilization and construction. there may be some employees who are non are able to fall in the meeting because they belong in the lower degree of the company and merely the leaders have to be in the meeting. This is a kind of bad public presentation because it two caputs is better than one caput. Example of an organisation whose civilization affected its concern public presentation and explains why it happened. M1 The ENRON Company Before registering for bankruptcy in 2001. Enron Corporation was one of the largest incorporate natural gas and electricity companies in the universe. It marketed natural gas liquids worldwide and operated one of the largest natural gas transmittal systems in the universe. numbering more than 36. 000 stat mis. It was besides one of the largest independent developers and manufacturers of electricity in the universe. functioning both industrial and emerging markets. Enron was besides a major provider of solar and air current renewable energy worldwide. managed the largest portfolio of natural gas-related hazard direction contracts in the universe. and was one of the world’s biggest independent oil and gas geographic expedition companies. In North America. Enron was the largest sweeping seller of natural gas and electricity. Enron pioneered advanced trading merchandises. such as gas hereafters and conditions hereafters. significantly overhauling the public-service corporations industry. After a rush of growing in the early 1990s. the company ran into troubles. The magnitude of Enron’s losingss was hidden from shareholders. The company folded after a failed amalgamation trade with Dynegy Inc. in 2001 brought to visible radiation monolithic fiscal finagling. The company had ranked figure seven on the Fortune 500. and its failure was the biggest bankruptcy in American history. ( Advameg. Inc. . 2013 ) But what is the ground why Enron failed? Enron’s executives’ attending was clearly focused on net incomes. power. greed. and influence. They want their employees to concentrate on today’s bottom line and to be cleverer than the competition. These influences created a break-the-rules and win-at-all-cost civilization that resulted in unethical or illegal effects among the company. It was revealed that executives were blow uping the stock monetary value through legion techniques and misdirecting public statement. They even described technological accomplishments of Enron that do non truly be and boasted about the value and fiscal public presentation of the company even though it is non true. Everything was a prevarication and did that deliberately to blow up the stock monetary value merely to gain the money from it and maintain it to themselves. 1. 3Discuss the factors which influence single behaviour at work. Individual Differences at the Workplace Percept – The act or module of groking by agencies of the senses or of the head ; knowledge ; understanding. The manner you see the universe. Attitudes – Are determinates of behaviour because they are linked with perceptual experience. personality. feelings. and motive. Personalities – General: Relatively stable. consistent. and typical set of mental and emotional features a individual exhibits when entirely. or when interacting with people and his or her external environment. Ability – a person’s endowment to execute a mental or physical undertaking. Key Abilities Skills – a erudite endowment that a individual has acquired to execute a undertaking. The ability. coming from one’s cognition. pattern. aptitude. and to make something good ( Alino. 2013 ) PAPAS is the chief factors that affect the behaviour of the people in a certain company. This is where they learn to accept each and everyone’s personalities. attitudes and diversenesss. Figure 4 Individual Differences In add-on to the above. if a pupil is able to depict or flesh out his reply with illustrations or illustrations from the workplace. M3 Since we have already 2 companies. we did non acquire merely the information but besides we observed how they collaborate with one another. how they treat their clients and every bit good as how they manage themselves inside the company. I will be utilizing McDonalds to exemplify their behaviour through numbering their smilings and salutations to their clients. Note: the observation had been done during McDonald’s rush hr which is 4pm-6pm. Besides. the observation merely tackled 45 proceedingss and the smilings and salutations are being counted per group as 5 clients within an estimated 15 proceedingss per group. Shown from the illustration above. McDonalds has a behaviour of smiling and stating Thank you in return to their clients. Second to the highest mark is recognizing new clients as they enter the McDo. This is really normal that you hear one or two crews shouting. †Hi Ma’am/Sir. Welcome to McDonalds†but it did non turn to be their highest mark based on the illustration above. Last. which is McDonald’s lowest mark is their behaviour of non offering their new nutrient or drinks. They may hold their best service to their clients but they besides have this deficiency of communicating with them. I included the offering count thing because this is what I have observed besides in Jollibee. But in the existent concern universe. non everything about a certain direction is perfect. There will ever be a small job because of the employee’s indifference and diverseness. 4. 1 Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within organisations. Work group A group that interacts chiefly to portion information and to do determinations to assist each group member perform within his or her country of duty. A group has this ability of sharing each other’s information but non making his/her occupation. They work together with their accomplishments and endowments on how to come up with their aim. They frequently attention and make the occupation within their country of duty merely. But overall. they have merely one end to run into even they have different duties. If pupil is able to place. justify. and differentiate McDonalds and Jollibee whether this is a group or a squad. D1 Jollibee as a Team Harmonizing to Jollibee. they have this household civilization wherein they are close with each other. Even though sometimes they encounter some jobs. the director has to be informed about that and so they will hold this guidance where the regulations and ordinances are being applied to the employees. This is where the director implies his leading manner which is being paritipative. He wants to cognize the job and they storm each other to work out the job. They besides interact with each other by holding a productive meeting and besides to discourse their end. which is harmonizing to the selling forces. â€Å"Alagang Pinoy†is our end to please and fulfill our clients. They besides consider their relationship as a â€Å"Team†because they help each other and give full attempts to better their quality. efficiency. and the work direction. This is true because they normally have originative meetings where they treat themselves as a household. Besides. everyone works with h is/her fullest merely to run into their ends. McDonalds as a TeamHarmonizing to the Restaurant Manager. â€Å"McDonald’s end is to function the Filipino community by supplying great savoring nutrient and most relevant client delectation experience†. They besides consider themselves as a â€Å"Team†because they work hard. join forcesing with other occupations merely to fulfill the clients. However. if some jobs occur. the director will decidedly stand out and give meetings. This normally happens monthly to them with every nucleus group. They besides interact as a household that they besides have a stopping point relationship even though they have different personalities. The employees have to reflect themselves with the regulations and ordinances of the company. The Restaurant Manager besides said that they normally asses its crew members by holding a public presentation reappraisal every 3 months and 6 months. From this scenario. it already speaks how they work as a squad and with the director who do the o ccupations on manus with the employees. 4. 2 Discuss factors that may advance or suppress the development of effectual teamwork in organisations. Work TeamA group whose single attempts consequence in a public presentation that is greater than the amount of the single inputs. Figure [ 5 ] Team Effectiveness Clasp Goals – gives way and committedness within the direction. Roles – gives lucidity and integrating to the people of the company. Interactions – gives trust within the employees and so their relationship is tight and there is coherence. Procedures – gives the system and invention to the employees so that they would be guided in the right procedures. Leadership Styles – gives inspiration and authorization to everyone to cognize in what manner they can be productive and can take to understanding each and everyone’s accomplishments. In add-on to this. there is besides a procedure wherein a squad formation has phases to develop and ensue with a good treatment. Forming Ramping Norming Performing Team-Development Model was invented by Bruce Tuckman ( 1965 ) . who suggested squad formation moves through four phases ( he added another phase ‘Adjourning’ in the 1970s ) . †¢ Set unrealistic ends †¢ Rely on merely one person’s experience and thoughts†¢ Resist working together†¢ Make small advancement†¢ Compete for control Get to cognize the undertaking and one another†¢ Learn each other’s accomplishments and outlooks†¢ Test each other’s committedness and attitude†¢ Begin to specify undertakings and functions†¢ Focus on symptoms and jobs non related to the undertaking †¢ Make advancement toward the end with velocity and efficiency†¢ Work together to name and get the better of obstructions†¢ Use feedback to do alterations†¢ Find ways to continuously better how they work together Have some trouble. but are doing advancement toward making the end†¢ Use each other’s thoughts†¢ Give and have constructive feedback†¢ Set. and normally follow. squad land regulations and norms†¢ Value person differences Figure [ 6 ] Tuckman’s Stages of Team Formation If pupil is able to take duty for pull offing and forming activities. eg. Arrange an interview or a study questionnaire is conducted with squad members ( at least 2 ) necessitating be aftering A ; managing and organisation ( supported with grounds ) . ( D2 ) | Figure [ 7 ] Interview at McDonalds Figure [ 8 ] Interview at Jollibee 4. 3 Evaluate the impact of engineering on squad operation within a given organisation. The impact of engineering on squads is the new forms of work. affects formation and construction of groups. It will act upon where and how people interact. The chief intent of engineering is to do the work easier. simpler and non clip devouring for every company. It is non merely helpful ; it is besides quotable and is better in doing merchandises. The advantage of engineering in McDonalds is to work easy within a short period of clip. They have cashier Po. where the teller presses the orders of the clients which is recorded together with the stock lists. Second is the bill of fare board where the list of dish is posted with monetary value. This will assist the clients to take easy their preferred nutrient while waiting in the line. Next is the talker from the thrust thru. This is a good manner of selling because non all clients have the clip to dine in but to order thru drive-thru. It’s more accessible and faster than taking your order indoors. But these engineerings sometime s vary due to some proficient jobs. The talker used in drive-thru is non that sufficient in acquiring the orders from the clients ; it is non that clear plenty because the crews indoors do non hear clearly the orders and sometimes jerky. This besides consequences misconstruing between the crews and clients. Bettering public presentation by following engineering As clip base on ballss by. engineering besides changes. To better the company. new public presentation prosodies should be applied. I would propose a touch screen method where the possible clients ( specifically to those who have recognition cards ) will be able to order their nutrient and merely pay through recognition cards afterwards. This could be convenient and suiting to everyone that can do the mean dealing of three to four seconds faster for each client. Furthermore. the company will non hold to pay the cashier’s wage. alternatively they will merely utilize touch screen computing machines. In add-on to this. I will besides propose a construct of â€Å"service with smiling all the time†within the employees. In footings of engineering. I would propose a CCTV camera concentrating the crews to demo if they are smiling to the clients. If they do smile. there is this soft and smooth melody coming out from the camera that uplifts the crews’ assurance and show t hat they are being recognized. Showing a positive personality from the crews will besides convey out the positive mentality from the clients. Bibliography Advameg. Inc. ( 2013 ) Enron Corporation – Company Profile. Information. Business Description. History. Background Information on Enron Corporation. [ Online ] . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. referenceforbusiness. com/history2/57/Enron-Corporation. hypertext markup language [ 13 February 2013 ] . Magicman. J. ( 2011 ) What is Organizational Behaviour and its Definition? . 27 April. [ Online ] . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: //expertscolumn. com/content/what-organizational-behaviour-and-its-definition [ 1 February 2013 ] . WordPress 3. 5. 1 ( 2013 ) Why Did Enron Go Bankrupt? . [ Online ] . Available: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. whyguides. com/why-did-enron-go-bankrupt. hypertext markup language [ 7 February 2013 ] .
Monday, November 25, 2019
Pepsi Corporation History and Major Problems Essays
Pepsi Corporation History and Major Problems Essays Pepsi Corporation History and Major Problems Essay Pepsi Corporation History and Major Problems Essay I. PEPSI CORPORATION HISTORY The Pepsi-Cola story began in a drugstore in New Bern, North Carolina, USA in 1896. Caleb Davis Bradham, a pharmacist, owned a drugstore named Bradham Drug Company in downtown New Bern. Like many of the drug stores at the time, Bradham’s store also housed a soda fountain. Here, Bradham offered his own soda concoctions which attracted most of the small-town folks. On August 28, 1898, Bradham invented a new recipe, blending kola nut extract, vanilla and â€Å"rare oils. This soda drink, initially known as Brad’s Drink, gathered so much popularity not only for its delicious and refreshing taste but people believed it helped them by aiding digestion and boosting their energy. Bradham likened the effect to digestion to the enzyme pepsin, even though it was not used as an ingredient. By combining the terms pepsin and cola, Bradham renamed his recipe Pepsi-Cola. Pepsi’s early growth was less significant than that of Cokes, and its real stre ngth as a competitor to Coke began after became CEO in 1950, a time when Pepsi was nearly bankrupt. Bradham was expected to liquidate the Pepsi-Cola Co. Instead, he made it his goal to beat Coke (, 2003). Pepsi spread to Canada in 1906, and the year after that, it was registered in Mexico. By 1908, Pepsi had upgraded their transportation delivery services from horse-drawn carts to automobiles. Pepsi seemed to be becoming successful in such a short time. But there is still a problem. By the time Pepsi Cola came out, Coke had already made its mark among the public and the newcomer Pepsi found it hard to find a consumer base. In the 1920’s, the company released the ad Drink Pepsi. It will satisfy you. However, despite industrious efforts, the Pepsi Company still fell into bankruptcy due to the fall of the sugar market. After seventeen years of success, Caleb Bradham lost Pepsi Cola. He had gambled on the fluctuations of sugar prices during W. W. I, believing that sugar prices would continue to rise but they fell instead leaving Caleb Bradham with an overpriced sugar inventory. Pepsi Cola went bankrupt in 1923. It suffered several years of losses before it was sold to Loft Inc. , a giant candy company. Loft was what Pepsi was waiting for. The company began to regain its former success. 1936 saw the formation of Pepsi Limited of London, and in 1938, the Pepsi logo was trademarked in the Soviet Union. The company sold the drink in 12 oz. bottles and launched the advertising campaign of Twice as Much for a Nickel. In 1993, Pepsi-Cola found itself in a crisis situation when a man in Tacoma, Washington claimed he had found a syringe inside a can of Diet Pepsi. Soon after the story hit the news, claims surfaced all over the country. People claimed to find objects from bullets to crack cocaine vials. Pepsi-Cola knew that the foreign objects had been inserted by people outside the company who had tampered with the product. Pepsi-Cola decided to use a defensive strategy, claiming its innocence in the matter. Proving the company’s innocence would be pivotal in protecting further damage to Pepsi-Cola’s brand name. Pepsi employed a variety of strategies to deal with the problem. PepsiCos India operations were met with substantial resistance in 2003 and again in 2006, when an environmental organization in New Delhi made the claim that, based on its research, it believed that the levels of pesticides in PepsiCo (along with those from rival Coca-Cola Company), exceeded a set of proposed safety standards on soft drink ingredients that had been developed by the Bureau of Indian Standards. PepsiCos usage of water was the subject of controversy in India in the early and mid 2000s in part because of the companys alleged impact on water usage in a country where water shortages are a perennial issue. In this setting, PepsiCo was perceived by India-based environmental organizations as a company that diverted water to manufacture a discretionary product, making it a target for critics at the time. Pepsi-Cola came to the Philippines through John Clarkin, a native of Minnesota, USA, who came with the American forces at the close of World War II. On October 16, 1946, Clarkin acquired a franchise to bottle Pepsi in the Philippines. He consequently founded the Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of the Philippine Islands Ltd. and became its president and general manager. As of January 2012, 22 of PepsiCos product lines generated retail sales of more than $1 billion each,and the companys products were distributed across more than 200 countries, resulting in annual net revenues of $43. 3 billion. Based on net revenue, PepsiCo is the second largest food beverage business in the world. Within North America, PepsiCo is ranked (by net revenue) as the largest food and beverage business. II. MAJOR PROBLEMS 1. COMPETITORS â€Å"Pepsi’s early growth was less significant than that of Cokes, and its real strength as a competitor to Coke began after someone became CEO in 1950, a time when Pepsi was nearly bankrupt. Bradham was expected to liquidate the Pepsi-Cola Co. Instead, he made it his goal to beat Coke (, 2003). Pepsi spread to Canada in 1906, and the year after that, it was registered in Mexico. By 1908, Pepsi had upgraded their transportation delivery services from horse-drawn carts to automobiles. Pepsi seemed to be becoming successful in such a short time. But there is still a problem. By the time Pepsi Cola came out, Coke had already made its mark among the public and the newcomer Pepsi found it hard to find a consumer base. 2. FINANCIAL PROBLEM/BANKRUPTCY â€Å"In the 1920’s, the company released the ad Drink Pepsi. It will satisfy you. However, despite industrious efforts, the Pepsi Company still fell into bankruptcy due to the fall of the sugar market. After seventeen years of success, Caleb Bradham lost Pepsi Cola. He had gambled on the fluctuations of sugar prices during W. W. I, believing that sugar prices would continue to rise but they fell instead leaving Caleb Bradh am with an overpriced sugar inventory. Pepsi Cola went bankrupt in 1923. 3. PUBLIC RELATIONS CRISIS â€Å"In 1993, Pepsi-Cola found itself in a crisis situation when a man in Tacoma, Washington claimed he had found a syringe inside a can of Diet Pepsi. Soon after the story hit the news, claims surfaced all over the country. People claimed to find objects from bullets to crack cocaine vials. Pepsi-Cola knew that the foreign objects had been inserted by people outside the company who had tampered with the product. Pepsi-Cola decided to use a defensive strategy, claiming its innocence in the matter. Proving the company’s innocence would be pivotal in protecting further damage to Pepsi-Cola’s brand name. Pepsi employed a variety of strategies to deal with the problem. †4. SAFETY STANDARDS â€Å"PepsiCos India operations were met with substantial resistance in 2003 and again in 2006, when an environmental organization in New Delhi made the claim that, based on its research, it believed that the levels of pesticides in PepsiCo (along with those from rival Coca-Cola Company), exceeded a set of proposed safety standards on soft drink ingredients that had been developed by the Bureau of Indian Standards. 5. WATER USAGE â€Å"PepsiCos usage of water was the subject of controversy in India in the early and mid 2000s in part because of the companys alleged impact on water usage in a country where water shortages are a perennial issue. In this setting, PepsiCo was perceived by India-based environmental organizations as a company that diverted water to manufacture a discretionary product, making it a target for critics at the time. â€
Friday, November 22, 2019
Assessment And Differentiation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Assessment And Differentiation - Essay Example By differentiating assessment, educators open up opportunities for students to show their developing skills and knowledge in ways in which they might be more "assured" or which might challenge them further. This is true for both lower-level and higher-level learners. Educators are capable of planning the most appropriate activities, as well as assessments, in order to meet student needs (Colorado, 2007). Through centering on adapting assessments to match students’ strengths and needs, teachers can open doors for students to be victorious. Such a change is essential for students who might otherwise not be capable of demonstrating mastery with traditional or normal assessments. Such exceptional students might be English language learners (ELLs). This paper will come up with a lesson plan for English language learners and how they can be effectively assessed by their educators. Teacher Preparation English language learners (ELLs), in content-area courses, have a double challenge meaning that they are expected to learn content and language at the same time (Colorado, 2007). ELLs struggle in content-area lessons such as literature, math, social studies and science because they have not gained the language, literacy skills, or background knowledge essential to master new content knowledge. One way to dealing with this challenge is by effective lesson planning. Relying on their different levels of English proficiency and literacy, ELLs will gain from the skills, which a well-designed lesson can tackle. Effective lessons comprise of building background knowledge, guided practice, explicit instruction and modeling, peer practice and assessment of content learned (Colorado, 2007). Student-teacher interactions along with peer interactions are significant for learning. Owing to the diversity in the background and experience that ELLs bring to the classroom, it is necessary to prepare lessons that deal with a broad range of needs. This wide sweep will also benefit al l students in a classroom whether English language learners or not (Hall, 2008). Lesson Components Building Background Knowledge Successful lesson planning requires a couple of steps from initial preparation to the ultimate review of material (Tonya, 2005). Once teachers get started, they should modify their survey to ensure their lesson or standard objectives are eliminating unimportant information, which does not meet its objectives. ELL teachers should also choose key vocabularies to pre-teach their ELLs and develop assessments to examine the content they taught. As teachers prepare their lessons, they should determine what background knowledge students require so as to master the material (Tonya, 2005). Educators might find that their English language learners’ background knowledge differs substantially from one student to another. It is also essential not to consider that ELLs' background knowledge is same as that of other learners, who were raised in this nation. With a n aim of building background knowledge to ELLs, educators could try creating interests in the subjects they teach through pictures. They could utter the name of the object as many times as possible, in order for ELLs to grasp the name. Educators should also build text-specific knowledge through offering students or ELLs with information from the text beforehand, mainly when the text is conceptually tough to understand. For
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Max Weber the sociologist Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Max Weber the sociologist - Research Paper Example His theories broke new ground, proposing that interpretive, non-empirical evidence can be used to analyze and understand the intentions and actions of individuals within socio-economic groups. Weber’s works put into perspective the effect of culture and religion on economics. Placed within a historical perspective, Weber’s work was bold for the time in that it refutes the notion that there can be a quantifiable gauge for the study of social dynamics. Observation and analysis, skills that served Weber well during his esteemed career, were part of a legacy of academic achievement, passed on to him by his accomplished parents. Weber: A brief biography Born into an affluent family, Weber’s father was trained as an attorney, held a prominent position in the civil service and was a member of the National Liberal Party. Max Weber, Sr.’s involvement in public life exposed his son to a wealth of socio-political ideas, the family’s home being something of a g athering place for many leading intellectuals of the period. The younger Weber thrived in this atmosphere, which inspired him to take up Goethe, whom he read voraciously from a young age as well as many other volumes of classical works (Ringer, 2004). Law school and a brief stint in the military during World War I were followed by the beginnings of a legal career, which further whetted his appetite for research and theory. The early stages of his professional life were marked by social and economic studies inspired by a growing Max Weber 4 progressive movement, which Weber joined in 1888 as a member of the Verein fur Sozialpolitik, a professional association for economists. â€Å"What united the members of the Verein was a belief that reforms were urgently needed in Germany†(Swedberg & Agevall, 2005). The Verein proved to be a stepping stone for Weber, who earned notice for his report on the displacement of workers in East Prussia by Polish emigres (Kim, 2007). Appointments to Freiburg, then Heidelberg University followed. It was at Heidelberg that Weber’s brilliance attracted the attention of other intellectuals, writers and scholars in the charged academic atmosphere of the famous university town. Germany of the late-19th century was a brash new nation, one gripped by hubris and the aggressive policies of the Prussian political ascendancy. The nation’s burgeoning self-confidence gripped many in the intellectual class, including some of Weber’s contemporaries. Refusing to be swept up, Weber remained true to his progressive convictions, venting his feelings about Germany’s increasing predilection for saber rattling. â€Å"(Weber) also wrote passionate polemics in behalf of parliamentary reform and against the annexationist hysteria that seized many of his colleagues†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Ringer, 2004). After his father’s death in 1896, Weber’s unresolved, stormy relationship with his parent contributed to a nervous b reakdown, which so debilitated Weber that he was eventually forced to resign from his teaching post and to suspend all scholarly activities. Ironically, Weber’s condition, which led to an abrupt and radical change in his professional life, brought about an intellectual change of direction and priority that would round out his personal philosophy and make him a pioneer in the developing field of social science (Kim, 2007). The resultant study
Monday, November 18, 2019
The Public Relations Campaign of the Bank Term Paper
The Public Relations Campaign of the Bank - Term Paper Example The ABC Bank is a leading bank and it plans to fortify its lead and keep competition far behind. Its market research team has identified a way to do so in an opportunity that exists in the market. The opportunity is a need of the potential customers to be able to make payments using their mobile phones. This need is felt in many practical situations. For example, a customer who needs to pay for a restaurant bill, which has somehow exceeded his estimate of what the bill could have been, can instantly pay through his cell phone. He does not have to bother with the credit card or going to the bank to do the same. Or, a Parent, whose kid is studying in a distant town suddenly needs money, the Parent can almost instantly while being on the move and without bothering to access his online account through a laptop or any other gadget, may simply use his mobile phone to send the amount to the kid. The possibilities are numerous and almost everybody seems to have a need for this basic applicat ion that satisfies an elementary need of being able to send money immediately without the hassle of waiting to do the transaction, upon either reaching a bank or reaching someplace that maybe work or home or a business center, where the transaction could be done online. Moreover, there is no transaction charge. As far as the security of the transaction is concerned, there is no need to share account details. Also, the app is pin protected thus making it safe to use.On the face of it, the situation surrounding the launch of the application seems quite favorable. This seems so, given the readiness with which it promises to fulfill a basic need of the public and that is to be able to send money while being on the move and that too for free. The app also promises to be safe. However, a careful scan of the internal environment leads to concerns that threaten to affect the success of the launch or the app itself. A careful and ongoing examination of the related news gives inputs about how this service could be misused and lead to financial fraud.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Customer Analysis of the Airline Industry
Customer Analysis of the Airline Industry Introduction: In the highly competitive airline industry, customers become the most important factor of the whole producing process. Besides flight safety, enhancing service quality, and therefore customer satisfaction, is the most crucial strategies of the airlines (Fried, 1989; Gardner, 2004; Zaid, 1995). Customer complaints serve as a critical dimension of service quality and customer satisfaction. Both the great affect that complaint handling has on customer retention and the beneficial usage of complaint information for service quality improvements have been widely recognized by the airlines and evaluative institutions (Strauss Schoeler, 2004). Complaint management continues to be a focal point of research as more companies have become convinced that defensive marketing is a highly profitable endeavor (Davidow, 2003). Customer complaints provide organizations with an opportunity to rectify their mistakes, retain dissatisfied consumers, and influence consumers’ future attitudes and behavior (Estelami, 1999). There is much empirical evidence showing that the complaint satisfaction with a company’s response has an enormous impact on customers’ future behavior (Stauss, 2002). Therefore if the customer relation department is doing the job effectively and getting complains from customers it can be used a tool to make improvements in the company as their feedback will tell the airlines where there are lacking and how they can improve. So it will just not increase customer satisfaction but also the loyalty and the profit for airline as customers will like to use the services again and again. These days Airlines are in fierce competition with each other and they are trying to gain each others market share by using different strategies some are giving cheap tickets some are giving extra weight and so forth. The point here is no matter what strategies airlines are using the thing that matters is if they are satisfying the customers or not. Getting market share from other airlines might be easy but retaining that share is very difficult to retain. Nowadays people are highly price sensitive and they will switch the airlines for a minor difference too. So now the airlines really have to work on something so that they can retain the customer while satisfying them too. In Pakistan there wasn’t any survey which was precisely on Airline industry. So that is why this topic was chosen so as to provide better insight in this industry regarding the customer satisfaction. The Airlines really have to do something extra to attract more and more customers as the biggest problem airlines are facing are the economic problems like fuel prices and very tough competition from other carriers and getting very strict regulations from governments. The airlines have to develop new ways to attract the customers those days are long gone when airlines could charge as much as they want because of many new competitors now they can’t do that. After 9/11 the whole industry saw a major sets backs and increased fuel prices and security conditions were totally changed since then. The industry was facing setback economically and viably. They had to improve their operations so as to reduce as much costs as they can as they fixed costs were going sky high and it was getting very hard for the airlines to operate in such environment. While reducing costs they cannot ignore customers as they are the one who are getting them revenues. The Airlines have made their operations better so they were able to reduce operational costs and can give better fares with respect to other airlines. Airlines have started customer relationship programs so as to have better relations with customers so they can travel on the same airline again and again. But there were many airlines that went bankrupt because of high operational costs and low revenues even majors airlines were failed to make profits after 9/11. During the last eight years there were many airlines who ceased there operations mainly due to revenues and there were many airlines who are going in loss or hardly on break up. Due to this there were many mergers in the airlines too. All this happened due to the economic conditions across the world. It is worth mentioning here that air traffic has increase many times but still airlines are not making very high profits. It is all due to very high operating costs and due to security conditions. The losses faced by airline industry is also caused by many low cost carriers which are not giving other benefits and just taking from places to places and many travelers prefer to save on tickets. The security conditions has forced many airlines to step up their operations and make sure of the safety of passengers which has ultimately increased the fixed costs but in return they are giving complete satisfaction to passenger while providing safe journey. The passenger’s satisfaction differs from person to person some want more off board facilities some want onboard some like extra luggage some are satisfied with good food. Now the question arises here how an airline can satisfy so many people. This is the reason this research has been conducted to get a better insight of the customers that what customers are expecting and what airlines are giving them. The gap will tell us where airlines are lacking and how they can give better services to customers with better fares. The Main Hypothesis for the thesis is: Airlines with higher satisfied customers are getting more passengers. The Sub hypotheses are following. 1. Reliability Airlines with higher Reliability are getting more passengers. 2. Responsiveness Airlines with higher Responsiveness are getting more passengers. 3. Assurance Airlines with higher Assurance are getting more passengers. 4. Empathy Airlines with higher Empathy are getting more passengers. 5. Tangibility Airlines with higher Tangibility are getting more passengers. Literature Review Everyone knows what satisfaction is, until asked to give a definition. Then it seems nobody knows [Richard Oliver 1997]. He is expert and long time research writer and researcher on customer satisfaction. The definition of customer satisfaction is â€Å"Satisfaction is the consumer’s fulfillment response. It is a judgment that a product or services feature, or the product or service itself, provides a pleasurable level of consumption-related fulfillment†[Richard Oliver 1997]. Customer satisfaction can differ from person to person and product to product. But generally if the product has at least met the needs of the consumer then it will be customer satisfaction. Incase it failed to meet the minimum expectation then it will be turned into dissatisfaction. Tolman (1932) was the first person to use the term expectation in the context of behaviour. In general terms, expectations borrow from Tolman’s expectancy theory whereby, subsequent to learning, people actualize or ward off potential consequences of their actions. Pretrial beliefs about a product (Olson Dover, 1979) that serve as standards or reference points against which product performance is judged (Zeithaml, 1993) is a commonly used definition of expectations that draws from Tolmans original conceptualization. Customer satisfaction is measured in a given reference of time. So with due respect of time even it changes so as the satisfaction level. It changes from time to time and factor to factor as it is a dynamic process. In highly involvement decisions it is very important to meet the satisfaction level. If it failed to meet the expected level then the companies will loose the customer. As there won’t be any second chance. The key to provide the excellent service is in understanding the customer expectation [Parasuraman, Berry, Zeithaml, 1991b, p. 39). Expectations play a role in the formation of satisfaction and service quality through the expectancy disconfirmation paradigm (Oliver, 1980, 1993, 1997; Tse Wilton. 1988), and the gap model (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, Berry, 1985) respectively. Satisfaction and perceived quality result from a comparison of the level of performance perceived and the level of performance expected by the consumer. In this so competitive industry such as airline industry nowadays the airlines are meeting with very harsh realities first of fuel prices going sky high making there fixed costs sky high as well. Then due to high fares passengers are switching the airlines for any extra favors. Due to this many airlines went bankrupt as they couldn’t even have breakeven. That is why nowadays low budget airlines are making more profits then big airlines because of low fares. But it is just not fare which makes them change the airline. There are many other factors involved other then just fare. They need to even meet certain level of expectations. In the customer satisfaction, expectations are treated as predictions made by customers about what is likely to happen during a service encounter. Such expectations correspond to what the service will be like (Oliver, 1997; Zeithaml et al, 1993). Oliver defines expectations as predictions, sometimes stated as probabilities or likelihoods, of attribute or product performance at a specific performance level. Miller (1977) called this standard the expected standard, which is the result of a probability estimate. American Society for Quality told in a report that recently the troubles that airline industry are facing are, flights are getting delayed, overbooked and sometimes even cancel and due to that passengers are getting worked up are losing patience. The level of satisfaction is on the decrease and will continue to decrease. The airline industry analysts are expecting that the situation is going to get bad or even worst before it will get better. The American Customer Satisfaction Index score for industry in the first three months of 2007 was about three percent lower to 2006 score and it is 63 on 100 scale. Satisfaction with constituent elements is particularly important in a service setting because customers are involved in the service process. Thus services are necessarily experiences, and as a result, customers rely on multiple indicators of service quality to evaluate overall satisfaction with the service (Bitner, 1990; Zeithamel 1990; Mittal, V., P. Kumar, and M. Tsirors 1989). Peripheral attributes are further distinguished as physical attributes, the choice of features and amenities that are included in the service concept, and interaction attributes, the way that service employees Interact with customers in the service delivery system. The importance of a particular attribute in the service concept is derived from the sensitivity of overall satisfaction to changes in satisfaction with the particular element (Kamakura et al. 2002). Customer satisfaction is desired because of its role in the service value profit chain in producing a stream of revenues that is resilient to competition and obtained at lower long run cost (Heskett et al., 1997). Research shows that irrespective of the outcome of the service encounter i.e., performance on core attributes, peripheral attributes both physical and interactional can independently affect customer satisfaction (Bitner, 1990) Taking quality and customer satisfaction into consideration, the airlines can improve their customer service and airline operations in a lot of ways. It will take sometime to apply better strategies to make the daily operations run smoothers and more effectively, but if you start implementing the better strategies and user friendly processes to improve passenger assistance and customer service it will give you a very good idea and plan what are the possible problems customers are facing and through which strategies can be adopted to prevent such problems in future. The service marketing literature discriminates among elements of the service concept. Some elements core attributes define the basic service being provided, while other elements, termed peripheral attributes specify the distinctive manner in which the service is delivered (Gronroos, 1990; Booms and Bitner, 1990). One of the leading reasons for customers loosing patience and showing dissatisfaction with the airlines is late departures or cancellations of flights. Customers just want to go from origin to destination on time but they are unable to trust the airlines with this issue. People are pointing fingers to different issues but no one is ready to accept the responsibility for flights late departure or arrival. It is because of number of reasons like bad weather; Aircrafts have to wait in sky to land at airports due to heavy traffic. Then maintenance problems of engines and fuselage, airport operations and ATC problems are some of the examples which make the flight difficult to depart or arrive on time. Even though all these arguments are valid and legitimate but still customers are not ready to relax. It has been found that airlines have no reason to improve the effectiveness and quality of their operations, since all airlines think and believe that they all are facing the same problems and no one is worst then anyone else. So when customers feel dissatisfied with a certain airline. They will travel on a different airline next time it will happen again and then again they will retry a new but how long they will keep on changing and ultimately they will feel all airlines are handling the customers in a same manner and eventually they will travel on same airline on which they traveled for first time. This is not necessarily true. TARP research indicates a passenger who files complain is thirty percent more loyal than a noncompliant and fifty percent more loyal than a dissatisfied complainant. Nowadays customers are not complaining much than they did a decade ago when half of the passengers will complain least once. Today, the rates of complaints even for big problems with serious consequences are not much and it is about 20%. Now hardly one percent customer’s complaints to the airline that too which are serious in nature. This is one of the major problems for airlines because when passengers will not file complaints then airlines will not know the problems which are faced by passengers during flight or even before or after flight. The fault here is not entirely on customers but on airlines more then customers but they are so hopeless that they think it is more of wastage of time. So airlines need to assure people that their complaints will be solved as soon as possible and it will not happen again. They need to inform the customers after it is resolved but how many airlines do that? Hardly a few, When customers will feel that airline wants to work on the problems and their problems will be solved only then they will start complaining and it is just not that problem they tell it is a whole new gateway to success because solving the complains means better satisfactions that will result in more revenue with good will. Airline Managers should not assume that if the customers are not reporting the problems or complaints it means they are not having any problems and customers are satisfied with the service. In fact it is the total opposite which is passengers are now so hopeless that they have assumed that even complaining wont help them either, so they don’t care to file a complaint. The expectations of the passengers have been decreased to such a point that they don’t expect the airlines will do anything to satisfy there customers. The airline staff that comes in direct contact with passengers on daily basis must understand and try to solve their problem as soon as they can. This is especially true for the channels in service industry and point where customers interact with employees working in customer relation department who are there to resolve customer complaints. In the situation which we are discussing, empathy has these things to be friendly, understand customer’s feelings,, Showing care to solve the problems and making sure to meet his needs, Make the customers feel that their concern is valid, and when in problem, solve the problem or at least try to find a solution. Handling the customers in airline industry is very much different and much personalized. It is not like dealing with lots of super market customers or like dealing them like they are dealing with loose cattle’s. How can an airline get its staff to show and have empathy? One way is to show staff videos of service experiences they can be real or staged in which empathy is there but is not expressed. A video is better instead of written description because a lot of times communication between staff and customer is nonverbal like body language, expressions, voice tone and even eye contact and consistency is part of quality. Consistency is vital for customers because consistency is an experience taken as reliability by the customer. So if there is a lack of reliability it will not only affect the customer’s trust in the company but will create bad image. This is an important issue to be addressed because trust is a essential condition for customer loyalty. Passengers are not dissatisfied with all airlines. There are many airlines like Emirates, Cathay Pacific, Etihad and Qatar etc especially Emirates has constantly topped in customer satisfaction for consecutive four years according to Skytrax. Airline industry researchers find it very interesting that some airlines continue to satisfy the customers in most efficient manner and making huge profits in such industry where there rivals are not even having break even. In north America Southwest is one of the best airlines and in their ads they make it a joke that they are not giving you any special service but they’re doing what is precisely they are saying that is they get you on the destination on time without troubles. What they have done what so many other companies have failed to do. The secret of there recipe is they have met the most basic thing for a effective and quality airline operation that is consistently meeting expectations. This has enabled them to earn good profits with better customer’s satisfaction. The flights of reputed airlines arrived on time eighty percent of the time, they are able to set standards for even other airline and there operations are now used as benchmarks for other airlines. They are departing on time and getting to their destinations on time just because of effective management and quality tools. They have a proper and consistent process and they have documented their workloads properly. Their turnaround times are a lot better than other rivals in the industry because they use standardized operations. They know the more time plan will be parked at apron it is there loss the sooner the aircraft will be in air and is flying it is there profit so they land the plane, get new passengers and get the aircraft back in the air as soon as they can because that is only way airlines make money. Booming airlines are putting the aircrafts back in the air at much higher rate then other airlines because of the fact the more time the aircraft is parked at apron it is there loss and the more time it will be in air it will generate revenue for them thus making more profits. This makes customers at ease too as they don’t have to wait for hours to get to their destination. That means no long waits at airport thus no frustration for passengers. Reputed airlines set the expectations and then will meet the expectations. Airlines are thinking their problems are not much different from other airlines and everything is going smoothly even if not everyone is facing same situations. As they blame on weather and acts of God. Which everyone else is facing as well. Immense financial pressures, then with fuel prices going sky high and struggle in the low-fare market, is making the airlines believe that they are unable to afford to put all the resources together to resolve their customer satisfaction problems. The most effective and cost efficient way to improve the complaint managing process is to prevent the problem by anticipating the problems instead of not acting on the complaint. It is better to take notice of the complaint than have the customer go away. The loyalty of customers who have experienced troubles is about 20% lesser than those of non-complainants customers. This 20% reduction includes both non-complainants and those who have filed the complaints. To prevent a problem the first thing one has to do is understand what is causing the troubles or problems for customers. In a recent it was found that most of the companies think if they have a customer who is dissatisfied for some reason, it is due to a worker who caused the dissatisfaction by doing wrong. The TARP’s study has found that most of the employees did a good job and hardly 20% of dissatisfaction was caused by staff’s bad attitude or by doing something wrong. Most of the problems which were between fourty to sixty percent are due to substandard processes, and the remaining are because of either customer mistake or confusion in either the kind of the product or service purchased. (Goodman 2006.) A satisfied customer can even get dissatisfied due to differences in current satisfaction level and previously measured one. Consider the following scenario. In 2008, a customer flies on a flight to Europe in Economy Class on an Airbus A380. She is happy to have her own personal TV screen, in which she can choose any channel, watch movies or listens to songs or even play video games. In 2009 she flies the same flight but in Boeing 777 to her dismay that her plane is not equipped with personal visual in-flight entertainment but it has movie projected on central screen. Even though the specific service of transportation did not change. This customer had increased her expectations about the service. Even though the airline provided the same transportation service in 2009 as in 2008, the customer was dissatisfied because her increased expectations were not met. While this customer may not file an actual complaint, the takeaway from this example is that customer dissatisfaction is a function of the gap between pre and post customer expectations about a product or service [Zeithaml, 1990]. So, the more perceptions fall short of expectations, the higher customer dissatisfaction will be. As customers can change their expectations over time, dissatisfaction can change even if the product or service remains the same. Therefore, customer dissatisfaction will be different from previous experience. Even if an organization delivers identical results over time, customer dissatisfaction may increase as customers increase their expectations. So it is imperative for airlines to manage the balance of customer pre and post expectations. Sasser (1978) originally coined the term â€Å"service concept†in reference to the bundle of elements packaged as a complete service for sale to the customer. In services marketing, research on customer satisfaction parallels Sasser’s concept, positing that satisfaction with elements of the service concept combine to create overall satisfaction with the service encounter (LaTour and Peat, 1979; Mitall et al. 1989; Oliver 1997). Managers may think that the company’s complaint handling is fine, but if customers disagree, then the company still has a problem. Attribution research on consumer behavior suggests that customers’ attribution plays a pivotal role in shaping their attitudes and responses (Folkes, 1988), and it may mediate the relationship between complaint handling and post-complaint behaviors, such as negative word-of-mouth, future patronage etc. (Au, Hui, Leung, 2001). Customer satisfaction is desired because of its role in the service value profit chain in producing a stream of revenues that is resilient to competition and obtained at lower long run cost (Heskett et al., 1997). There are many areas in the airlines itself where faulty processes are leading to customer complaints and displeasure. Some are infrastructure problems, then the heavy air traffic issues specially high season, but these reasons affect an airline just as they affect every other airline. So why some airlines are consistently better? It is because they have designed their own skills to handle problems and their own operating measures to operate within the resources that they have. With reasons which are not in their control, they must do something to improve their systems. The Airlines need to utilize their resources in most effective way so as to operate effectively and best possible manner. Then they must exert influence on the people who have got power to control the infrastructure. Flight delays and cancellation is one of the leading factors in dissatisfaction among the passengers. The airlines needs to continuously improve their processes and systems, as it is vital for any other industry too. What use to happen doesn’t mean it can happen now too because previously customers were not aware much and companies couldn’t charm them with their advertising? The days are long gone now the customers are very well aware of situations and they ask question when they get to know something so as to know it better. What was satisfying the customers that time will now make them highly dissatisfied because times have changed so as the customers. The performance of airlines will decrease over time until unless something is done to improve it or sustain it. To sustain the current standards of performance, it is highly important to perform high level of maintenance. Then to have a better and improved operations airline need a lot more then just maintenance to have an effective flight operation. Weather is one of the major factors which is beyond the control of an airline and is one of the leading cause of flight delays and even cancellations and it is just not causing great deal of dissatisfaction to customers it is also costing airlines huge sum of money as then they have to give them accommodation as well. Some customers don’t care about the weather and they just want to reach to the destination as soon as they can, which is not possible as it can be very dangerous to fly in such weather. Even a highly sophisticated aircraft can not fight with the forces of nature. If due to bad weather flights are delaying or canceling the airline must provide the actual cause of delay instead of saying delayed due to technical fault. The Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) compiled figures on weather-caused delays, free of the other categories. Weather caused the flights to be delayed approximately 9.5% of the time during the 2006 for seven airlines. Then 13% of the flights were delayed for different reasons which were in control of airline like fueling, aircraft cleaning, loading, crew problems, maintenance and baggage handling Then if a flight will depart will late that means it will arrive late at next airport and then again depart late for next leg of journey as it is a chain which will effect the chain until it makes up for that time. It will be just not delay but the passengers who got to catch a connecting flight will also miss their flight because of late departure. There are many reasons of dissatisfaction among the customers and just not food and check in problems. It is just not the dissatisfaction of customers but the airline will have to bear additional costs as well. There are some delays which are not due to weather but not also in control of airlines like heavy traffic volume at airport, ATC, Holding pattern of aircrafts due to runway not available even Airport operations too. Last but definelt not least the security reasons cause hardly 1 percent of flight delays. It is because of extra security check at the airport that at the end hardly flight gets . Communicating with customers when a problem occurs is a better way to improve the satisfaction. In this high – tech fast moving world due information and technology, everyone is now used to get instant information and communication. Passengers want to be instantly informed about the current status of their flights as if they are delayed or canceled. Industry experts said, the airlines cant change the weather in there favour, but what they can do is give customers better information. Several airlines have improved their communication processes by cross training and moving employees who aren’t busy due to a flight cancellation (baggage handlers, porters, etc.) and putting them in areas where other employees are overwhelmed at the gate and ticket counters. Rather than having two gate agents handling 200 unhappy passengers, there are now 10-12 employees helping. Lines move faster, and people feel like they’re making progress. Airlines have so many cancelled flights and weather problems, so how does one can make your work force that much efficient so that you can decrease the customers’ concern level? They can easily do that with updated information, empathy, and assistance, even if you can’t get them from origin to destination any faster. Now the question is should expectations are seen as the level of desired service. Desired and adequate services are two more service level expectations conceptualized by researchers (Parasuraman, 1991, 1994; Zeithaml, 1993). Desired is what consumer wanted; it represents the level of service performance consumers believe an excellent service provider can and should deliver. Adequate service is what consumers accept and is partly influenced by consumers predicted level of service (i.e., will expectations). Separating these two types of expectations is a zone of tolerance, which can vary from consumer to consumer and from situation to situation (Parasuraman 1991). The zone of tolerance will be higher for the outcome than for the process dimensions of expectations since the single outcome dimension, namely reliability, is the most important. Thus, it will be easier for managers to exceed the process dimensions of expectations (i.e., responsiveness, assurance, tangibles, and empathy) than the outcome dimension (i.e., reliability). The adequate level of Service performance is similar to the minimum tolerable expectation defined by Miller (1977). Deserved expectations, another level of desired service derived from Adams (1963) theory of inequity, are a consumers subjective evaluations of her/his own investment. A consumer who, for example, has invested much in ticket feels that he/she deserves a high level of performance or a reward. The leading Airlines try to identify the specific flights where customers experience a high level of inconvenience or trouble. So when it happens, the airline will send them a letter to explain the cause and apologize for the inconvenience caused. They don’t want the customer to feel that they should not go back to the same airline again. Industry analysts have said that enhanced customer services will help settle the passengers, but only for the short term. They think no matter what airlines can do but people are going to be annoyed because of the fact that customers are not getting to the destination on time. Some airlines are reworking. If they can they do it better next time. Sure, but the purpose is not to do rework in the first place. You will get to know that it is not a value-added practice. You don’t want to have such process or people when they will end up in customers disatisfaction because it will be a rework that you shouldn’t have to do in the first place. Federal Aviation Administration the regulating authority for aviation in United States is testing the new technologies and latest satellites technologies so as to replace the aging and old Air Traffic Controller radars systems. So they can overcome the problems and short comings of the current air traffic network and want to implement the Global positions system in the country for all the phases of flights. (Carr, J. 2001) Currently the airports are
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